Example sentences of "[noun sg] would be look at " in BNC.

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1 It was agreed that the procedures for data entry would be looked at over the next few months , and further discussions would be held in due course .
2 An even more revealing way to consider the changes in the popularity of divorce would be to look at the proportion of each marriage cohort that divorces after a particular period of time .
3 Another method would be to look at the Automobile Association 's figures on the cost of running a motor car of that engine capacity or at the cost of hiring such a car .
4 Abstracting from these difficult matters , an attractive approach to inequality would be to look at the lifetime purchasing power broadly defined over goods and services enjoyed by individuals , appropriately discounted to give a common basis for comparison .
5 I would be sitting in the car looking out at the fascinating scenery , my mum and my brother would be doing the same , my sister would be looking at a book and my dad would be driving .
6 Repression would be looking at the cream cake and saying , I 'm not in the least bit interested , how revolting , disgusting , even though you actually unconsciously want it very much .
7 At its annual meeting , hastily relocated from the severely damaged Baltic Exchange building , Mr Nicholas Baring , chairman , said in response to a question from a shareholder that such a possibility would be looked at very carefully .
8 ‘ If you want to identify your target groups , the easiest way would be to look at people 's living rooms . ’
9 For instance , teachers involved in this scheme would know that the success of their female pupils would be very carefully monitored , and that senior people in the school would be looking at the girls ' test results .
10 Her mother-in-law would be looking at the clock too , perhaps walking up and down with Catherine in her arms .
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