Example sentences of "[noun sg] there [vb past] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On walking into the Stop Hinkley Centre , Marshall introduced himself with typical candour as ‘ the enemy ’ , then launched into a long shaggy dog story about how much opposition there had been to a hydro-electric scheme in Snowdonia .
2 Although she was reasonably sure that Harry was still in love with her , she was concerned at all the talk there had been about him marrying the American girl .
3 On 2 March 1939 Pacelli was elected pope in succession to Pius XI in the shortest conclave there had been since 1623 .
4 However , Lois Maxwell , who played the ever-loyal Miss Moneypenny , says , ‘ Diana and I had lunch together and after eating some shrimps she realized how much garlic there had been in them .
5 Huy was wondering how much truth there had been in what Ipuky had said about his sons .
6 It was as though they had returned to the relationship there had been between them on Ridgery Butts when he had taught her to use the bow , and encouraged her with gentle praise .
7 She had n't really believed it herself , not all of it anyway ; so when her mother started telling her that what Davy Treffry had said was more or less true , she wanted to put her hands over her ears and not listen ; she did n't want to know about the argument there had been between her father and her Uncle Harry ; she did n't want to hear about how they picked their wives by some silly fishing competition .
8 Her threat to leave the job had been an idle one , and whatever ill feeling there had been between her and Jenny must have been papered over .
9 We were interested to see how far proposals were concentrated on particular aspects of the curriculum ( as opposed to an across-the-curriculum approach ) , how much participation there had been in arriving at the proposal , whether information-handling skills were recognised , and so on .
10 The recollection was faintly depressing , making her realise how little useful or productive communication there had been between them .
11 She had spent most of her own childhood trying to persuade her parents to fall in love with each other and known how little they really cared for each other or for her , but until recently she had not realised how little real love there had been in her own marriage .
12 * Whatever the actual figures in any particular parish , the number of Georgian farmers was generally only a fraction of the number there had been in the medieval or Tudor village .
13 Although the material was systematically arranged as it was collected , the system changed very significantly at least three times , and by the time it arrived at the Institute in Nottingham , any order there had been in the files of material was lost .
14 Following the uprising and the overthrow of the legitimate government , whatever common interest there had been between these groups ceased and they began to fight each other .
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