Example sentences of "[noun sg] there [verb] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus on one side there had been complete effacement of party activities , while on the other they ran forward unresisted .
2 As a result there have been real achievements : hundreds of thousands of workers have been trained to work in rural areas and attack fatal conditions like dehydration from diarrhoea ( still the main killer of young children worldwide ) with the simplest and cheapest remedies .
3 As a result there has been bitter criticism of the local authorities and much disappointment among the disabled and their families .
4 However , despite a varied programme there has been great difficulty in gathering support for the other functions and indeed the last one had to be cancelled .
5 During this probationary term there have been two training Saturdays in South London and a residential weekend in Buckinghamshire .
6 During the winter there had been near-continual snow and rain , then in late March there was a week of mad blustering winds , with racing cloud and fitful sun .
7 During the session there had been some debate over the selection of the ministers of finance and foreign affairs .
8 In my village there had been historic upheaval over such questions as whether it was right that hymns should be sung in the House of God .
9 Though recent instruments like the new SZ zoom stereos are designed to be readily fitted to a range of different equipment there has been increasing demand in recent years for custom equipment and his has led to customer specific modular configurations for individual projects .
10 I happen for my sins to have been shadow Chancellor since the last election in 1987 , during which period there have been three Chancellors of the Exchequer .
11 During the 12 year period there have been seven other cases of colonic cancer in association with ulcerative colitis at this centre .
12 In Norfolk on one large site there have been three serious accidents involving falls from heights , and in Suffolk a case has just been sent to crown court after a man fell through an asbestos roof on a farm .
13 Income tax there has been 30 per cent lower than in the old , western Länder , corporation tax 22.5 per cent lower , turnover tax 30 per cent lower .
14 And he added : ‘ If I were an American , I would be saying thank goodness there have been some musicals to keep Broadway alive for the last 10 years . ’
15 Prior to the meeting there had been much speculation that Shamir would face a challenge at the meeting ; in the event even Sharon urged the party to unite behind Shamir .
16 None the less , since antiquity there have been many efforts to describe features of the world , including the social , in quantitative terms , efforts which began to assume an even greater urgency and consequentiality with the rise of the modern nation state and its requirements for an accurate accounting of its resources .
17 Before the war there had been 85 million square feet of floor space ; in 1947 it was 59 million .
18 For some years after the War there had been severe power cuts in winter , when demand reached its peak , because of shortages of both power station capacity and coal to burn in the plant that was available .
19 In the fifty years since the TA was last called up for war there have been many changes .
20 Since the Second World War there have been many changes in official policies toward , and social assumptions concerning , the control and treatment of crime and offenders .
21 In that-place there had been intricate gardens , where water wheels turned musically and water lilies bloomed moon-white , and giant goldfish floated under them .
22 Since nationalization there have been 19 , and their average period in office has been less than two-and-a-half years , half that of their British counterparts .
23 In Western art there had been artistic programmes and manifestos before Impressionism , but in the twentieth century they proliferated .
24 Now we have n't , erm talking about er cars as to other forms of transport and on the whole there 's been more complaints about the public transport than they have about cars , but you surely do n't think or maybe you do , I mean what 's bad about cars ? ,
25 For more than a decade there had been detailed debate in the industry on the best form of securing greater coordination of distribution .
26 In the last decade there have been dramatic developments in the treatment of infertility and artificial reproductive techniques .
27 Over the past decade there has been enormous progress in our understanding of how cells use calcium to regulate their activity .
28 Earlier that day there had been dramatic scenes in Tirana 's central Skanderbeg Square as protesters toppled a huge statue of Enver Hoxha , Albania 's hardline Stalinist leader from 1944 until his death in 1985 .
29 Every day there 've been two to three flights taking off from Zagreb and flying across disputed territory to Sarajevo .
30 Critics pointed out that at the time of the White Paper and in the process of polytechnic designation there had been little or nothing in the shape of academic planning .
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