Example sentences of "[noun sg] has [be] given to " in BNC.

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1 No special protection has been given to the broadcasting of the proceedings of the House , although it seems likely the defence of qualified privilege to actions of defamation will be available .
2 Again permission has been given to the panel to incur the expense if the assembly approves the relevant deliverance .
3 It is the first time that the Stylesetter Award has been given to an Axminster carpet range .
4 The in-can system , for which we hold the patent , won The Queen 's Award for Technological Achievement in 1991 — the first time that this award has been given to a brewer .
5 And an award has been given to the developers of Gloucester Docks .
6 The accident and emergency department received £2,157 and other money has been given to the ambulance service .
7 Little mention has been given to moral education , social and personal development , political understanding and economic awareness ( much beloved of Keith Joseph ) .
8 It is not concerned with the question whether proper weight has been given to those factors .
9 It is always possible , therefore , that too much weight has been given to the reported cognitive responses .
10 The evident conclusion is that the policy basis on which aid has been given to Africa has not been fulfilled .
11 Although undue influence has been given to the alleged psychosexual immaturity of anorexia nervosa patients in the past , issues of sexuality need to be addressed as with other adolescent patients .
12 Help has been given to outside organizations such as professional bodies wishing to publicize associate membership to undergraduates , to foreign consulates with scholarships on offer to nationals , etc .
13 Greater prominence has been given to the role of language in recent government initiatives including the Swann report and in new curricula developments such as CPVE and GCSE and this type of training will be required if classroom teachers are to implement their proposals .
14 Although prominence has been given to south-east England being especially badly affected by recent economic trends , Dun and Bradstreet surveys show that , in terms of percentage increases in insolvencies , Scotland and Wales were hardest hit , with increases of 77 per cent .
15 I am particularly er pleased to see the I T provisions at three two and elsewhere in the report the training for the business plan has been given to the staff .
16 A WARM welcome to the diocese has been given to two priests .
17 Much attention has been given to the seemingly altruistic behaviour of dolphins , with various authors citing such examples as the way cetaceans will assist or stand by other ill , injured or stranded animals even to the point of their own death .
18 Scant attention has been given to the way in which man 's attitude to death feeds back into his life and so exerts an influence upon society .
19 Although much attention has focused on the number of people out of work in recent years , less attention has been given to the number of family members who are also affected .
20 In dry parts of the world , such as Australia , forest and bush fires are an important natural hazard and some attention has been given to the ways in which GIS might help examine their potential impacts .
21 In syllabuses produced to date , only perfunctory attention has been given to cross-curricular themes .
22 Much less attention has been given to smooth-fronted waves of finite duration .
23 Of the four co-ordination problems identified in this paper as important to anaphor resolution , that of co-ordinating multiple knowledge sources is certainly the one to which most attention has been given to date .
24 Enright has pointed out with regard to media that ‘ too much attention has been given to the possibilities of the new media supplanting the book , and far too little to the ways in which each can and does supplement the other ’ .
25 Considering how much attention has been given to ‘ child development ’ by psychologists and educationists , it should be possible to find a generally-accepted theory that will help us to order our thoughts .
26 Despite all this , very little attention has been given to the issue in Great Britain as compared with other countries .
27 MUCH attention has been given to the Prisoners ' Dilemma as a metaphor for the problems surrounding the evolution of cooperative behaviour .
28 Although efforts continue to encourage people to stop smoking , in the past decade considerable attention has been given to reducing uptake of smoking by teenagers , particularly by using the educational opportunities available through the school system .
29 Interventions by schools to reduce smoking have been undertaken for many decades , although little attention has been given to assessing their effectiveness .
30 Little attention has been given to the relationship between mental and social class for the older age groups .
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