Example sentences of "[noun sg] she could never have " in BNC.

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1 It was not a matter of ‘ if only … ’ , but rather a nostalgia for a different , a parallel plane of existence , a nostalgia for a future she could never have lived .
2 ‘ He took her all right — took her to the kind of life she could never have dreamed of .
3 He had wooed her with hunger tempered with tenderness , lifting her to heights of fulfilment she could never have even imagined before she had met him , and she 'd been a willing , eager vessel , wreaking her woman 's power over him , submitting joyfully to his possession until in the final moment of consummation she had robbed him of his strength , leaving him as helpless as Samson shorn of his crowning glory .
4 Bare , a little shabby , sorely in need of a fresh coat of paint , yet the room excited her in a way she could never have explained .
5 She knelt to lay the tray on the grass , then , frankly curious , turned to study him in a way she could never have done had he been conscious .
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