Example sentences of "[noun sg] she [vb mod] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now , let me tell you , and this is final , in future she will be bathed before you come in , and you attempt to take her into that bathroom once again and , boy , you wo n't know what 's hit you . ’
2 If news wended to Spittals that she had any more interest in the Mills murder she would be suspended immediately .
3 He knew what was on her mind , but there was nothing he could say to ease the uncertainty she must be feeling .
4 When he came home from college she 'd be reading The Catholic Mind .
5 To her , it was nothing dreadful after all , but she was compelled to keep silent and pay lip-service at least to the general despair , for fear she would be outlawed otherwise .
6 On four Thursday evenings during the winter she could be seen , dressed in spotty black and glittering with rhinestones , sawing happily away on her violin through four public concerts , under the baton of Mr Dixon , the elderly English master from Tollemarche public school , who tried gamely to keep the rest of the orchestra in time with her , since he had long ago given up trying to keep her in time with the orchestra .
7 Jess went to fetch the coal bucket , trailing the fast dying hope that if she got on with her work she might be left in peace to think things out .
8 Hazel , a Clerk in Private Trust and Taxation , Edinburgh , will fly to the USA in June — but she won ‘ t know her final destination or what type of work she will be doing until much nearer the time .
9 Of course , Mrs Hilali may get the chance to explain to them face to face what 's happened , because if she 's broken Turkish law she could be deported .
10 ‘ We have applied for her licence and if all goes to plan she will be riding State Governor .
11 But in what mood she would be listening was not so certain , considering everything that had happened .
12 At home she 'd be doing a bit of shopping , gardening perhaps , or turning down invitations to the over-sixties whist drive .
13 ‘ Even if she fell from her bike she could be paralysed , ’ a shocked Janet was told .
14 In approximately one hour she would be getting her chops round the first succulent mouthful of Chicken Thallium .
15 True , even costumed thus as a Trader 's mistress she would be armed — with a garrotte or two , some tiny digital weapons for slipping on to her fingers , phials of the chemicals she used .
16 If they failed to consider any change of heart she may be tempted to make in the future , that is down to their own stupidity and naivete .
17 And of course she will be mixing with a very good class of pupil . ’
18 You may also need to help her to transfer to the list of your own general practitioner , if she and he are both agreeable to this ; and of course she must be assured that you , or some other member of the family will be with her on the actual day of the move or , if she wishes , take the responsibility of it off her shoulders completely .
19 Lucy stared at her plate , expecting to hear Silas agree with her own statement that of course she 'd be leaving — but he made no comment .
20 A part of her — the silly , hopeless part — did want the job , of course , because it meant that she would see Dr Russell , since it was his own sister she would be nursing .
21 ’ Then , provoked by we know not what domestic disaffection , he adds : ‘ And yf she be not obedient and healpfull unto hym , endevorethe to beate the feare of God into her heade , that therby she may be compelled to learne her dutie and do it . ‘
22 And in a moment she 'll be holding my hand .
23 One moment she could be smiling tenderly as she fed the animals , the next filled with anger and as dangerous as a tiger at bay .
24 ‘ the basal reason for binding the creditor with equities arising from the conduct of the husband is that in substance , if not technically , the wife is a volunteer conferring an important advantage upon her husband who in virtue of his position has an opportunity of abusing the confidence she may be expected to place in him and the creditor relies upon the person in that position to obtain her agreement to become his surety .
25 She had wanted to draw again , and to paint , and she had not wondered before the first class as to the group she would be joining .
26 He paused , seeking out Meryl , uncertain as to what colour she would be wearing .
27 Public criticism led to speculation she might be asked to pay tax , but with characteristic diplomatic skill she negotiated her way around the problem with the minimum of publicity .
28 By midnight she would be experiencing severe abdominal discomfort .
29 This is not , as it might have been with such a tale , the cuckolded merchant , but rather Margery , the stupid wife , who is particularly funny because she is so unthinkingly conventionally good and who effaces any real self she may be imagined to have within a cluster of clichés .
30 If she were her normal self she would be pottering happily around Simone , laughing whenever she got in her way and sticking her fingers in the food .
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