Example sentences of "[noun sg] that they were to " in BNC.

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1 It is probably no accident that they were to be found in most classes of urban or other settlements and in military vici .
2 The interpretation for which both the applicant and the Attorney-General contended before the Court of Appeal was that the answer was affirmative ; either because the proceedings for habeas corpus were so firmly imprinted with a civil character that they were to be treated as civil , notwithstanding the essentially criminal nature of the proceedings from which they arose , or because they were of an indeterminate nature , which section 13(2) ( a ) was wide enough to embrace .
3 On the night of their escape , Moses had commanded the Jews to sacrifice a lamb and smear the blood on the doorposts of their homes as a sign that they were to be ‘ passed over ’ by the Angel of Death , who was to bring death to the first born of every Egyptian family .
4 He had warned many Champenois that they were to be ready to follow when so commanded and , he wrote , ‘ they willingly agreed ’ .
5 The disciples were told , before , ten days before they received the Holy Spirit that they were to be witnesses unto him .
6 They could n't ignore the fact that they were to part , and neither of them made any attempt to avoid it in conversation .
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