Example sentences of "[noun sg] that they have [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They missed a few kicks at goal but they nailed Northampton to their line and worked up such a storm that they had them scurrying all ways .
2 As the father of eleven children ( laughter and applause ) — I have not been a disciple of Dr Malthus but you will clearly understand that , while I appreciate the ladies , I am strongly of the opinion that they have their proper station in life ( Hear !
3 Worse still , almost half of those who do suffer from prostate cancer have no urinary symptoms and no inkling that they have anything wrong , until they experience bone pain linked with secondary malignant growth elsewhere in the body , which is likely to cause death within two-and-a-half years .
4 To package and present their ideas , to perform as they do , they have to develop the belief that they have something unique to offer .
5 The only clue that they are no longer children is their adult-like assumption that they have something important to say .
6 The unmistakeable inference was that , Jess and McLaren apart , the young will be left to take advantage of the fact that they have plenty of time .
7 What it means as I said before , is that ten or fifteen years ago , that number of people got infected , so now ten fifteen years on , we usually multiply by at least a hundred , so we 're really talking about thousands of people living with H I V , and probably unaware of the fact that they have it .
8 I think I left the Bench at least with an impression that they had someone very special to deal with , I was , of course , all the time praying that no one for the police would ask for his Conduct Sheet , which they overlooked after making a dutiful response to the Bench , and I hurried away to be met outside the Court by Stewart , who at once asked me to lend him a pound .
9 For a long time , the secrecy maintained by protagonists of drainage has given the impression that they have something to hide .
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