Example sentences of "[noun sg] that you 've [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Can you imagine the worst American teen corn movie that you 've ever seen !
2 ‘ I can only express the hope that you 've not endangered your niece 's life by such behaviour . ’
3 So if you could precis or select from the text that you 've already prepared for the annual report , something that will go in there that says why your functions are
4 A horrible noise that you 've just got to call your own .
5 ‘ It 's your best work , Basil , the best portrait that you 've ever painted , ’ said Lord Henry lazily .
6 ‘ It 's the best portrait that you 've ever painted , ’ said Lord Henry .
7 Or indeed the work that you 've just been discussing that we 've all pursued jointly in pinning down the government on the transfer of undertakings directive .
8 I find it 's very difficult in these ovens to , you know a normal oven you could sort of put things to the bottom that you 've already done .
9 Answer the question that you 've actually been asked .
10 Can I pick up on a point that you 've just made Mr Sedgewick and also points made by those on your right about exceptions and presumptions .
11 Now , I agree with the point that you 've just made and I 've heard some other people say , well the teaching that they 've got so far is n't going to influence what they see in their second year .
12 I just say that I 'm sorry go on do n't want to be dejective this evening but I mean minutes will be taken notes will be taken points have been raised I think that 's a very valuable point that you 've actually have raised .
13 Now if we can go back to the cart that you 've kindly given
14 Right the end key will save the edit that you 've just made okay .
15 Walking into a club these days , it 's easy to get the feeling that you 've accidentally come across the local Hell 's Angels chapter double booked with a Skin 2 party .
16 I was a bodyguard for a little while — not a very successful one , really , I was the weediest bodyguard that you 've ever seen , but I was hired to look after the Sheikh of Quatar — she 's a female .
17 No it 's not this is what the chief constable of the R U C , the Dublin man that you 've just mentioned said it , he said it .
18 No matter how they cheer , or what they do , when you do that one thing that you 've always wanted to do , that 's when you 're a success .
19 And then the other thing that you 've maybe got to do is I 've spoken to er your office this morning because our card actually has expired , it expired a year ago this is how we 're going to pay
20 Now , based on the information that you 've just taken down you need to give thought to the way in which you compile those .
21 So the report before you is the first real annual report on Equal Opportunities Inter County Council , so you 've got all the relevant statistics and in that sense it compliments the previous report that you 've just examined .
22 Thank you very much , I 'm sure the committee would like to join with me to congratulate you both on the survey and on the very interesting report that you 've actually provided .
23 The , the , the , the , the number that you 've just quoted me is yes ,
24 And then I 'm going to make you say my name in a way that you 've never said it before , ’ he told her huskily .
25 I paused before replying to her , because if you pause before replying to people it gives them the foolish idea that you 've actually listened to what they 've said , and I said of course darling .
26 A stranger coming in to the house that you 've never seen before
27 Let us promise you , you are not allowed to die any more , we are going to s , to improve our treatment , and you 're going to survive , but with daily , increasing threat to that financial dependence that you 've so keenly want , that you want for your loved ones .
28 But no-one seems interested in the fact that you 've almost certainly stinted yourself for years .
29 Erm the cash as and when it does start coming through from er from B-Sky-B and the fact that you 've actually er promised some of that to read in lieu of the increased er erm equity stake indirect equity stake .
30 The second thing it does is highlight the fact that you 've actually got to put names in there , because this is next week .
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