Example sentences of "[noun sg] that we 've [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The churn rate is now down to eleven percent , the result of positive action that we 've taken there and we expect to add a million homes during this year and the cable audience I am pleased to say is growing still very very slowly er but that should help as well .
2 So I hope that you will agree or confirm the action that we 've taken in expressing those sorts of views .
3 It 's only on Innsbruck that we 've done it because that 's what the market demands .
4 Because if we continue with the housing stock that we 've got , then families living in high rise flats are never ever gon na have the opportunity to own their own house with a garden so the children can play .
5 You got it same time as I got that one , that 's last year 's card that we 've got .
6 On that subject , obviously next year , er bearing in mind that we 've agreed as a committee to go for twelve matches on Sundays
7 We 'll probably take this on paper , so the reason it 's on the agenda is to tell you as a department that we 've had this sent to us , erm we 've got a meeting later this week to actually sit down and analyse it and to put something on paper to send up to command .
8 erm do you think that the erm planning your future that we 've gone through this evening was er was of value to you ?
9 do you think the er the planning your future that we 've gone through this evening was of er particular value to you ?
10 Erm the third one is we 've got a small amount of money out of , think again it 's out of TEED and , but it 's N Y T E C have got hold of it and it 's to do with further development of the Careers Service Tech Partnership , but it 's only a few thousand , it 's a very small n amount compared , I mean the bid that we 've put in for this Standards and Indicators is more like sort of thirty thousand .
11 But it does n't actually account for all of the overtime that we 've spent not directly anyway .
12 In fact I suspect on June the ninth even the wipe out of the Conservative party in the European elections may make even those members that side think that in order to say their own skins in the future they will actually have to start to think about a fairer electoral system and indeed there will be a unified system on the way forced by Europe on this house if we do not take it upon ourselves to do so and it will be our own fault that we 've shirked our responsibilities in my view to actually take it on board .
13 And to summarize the methodology that we 've used , we 've set out our in the single sheet in the front of N Y eleven , various assumption areas that constitute the use of the model and our choice of the appropriate assumption for each of these areas .
14 The first computation that we 've got to do for P H I benefits , is take seventy-five per cent of those two figures .
15 And indeed , in efforts to des to also confirm our reasonableness in the figure that we 've put forward , despite the fact that it 's much higher than the counties , I have included in my submission , paragraph thirty nine , that there are a number of factors we could have taken into account , but have n't have chosen not to do so , er which would have in fact upped the dwelling requirement .
16 And that figure also coincides with the the estimated requirement figure that we 've come up with independently for the Greater York area , within Selby District anyway .
17 And I think the overall figure that we 've had produced , which is around the six point two percent , is still a very substantial level of vacant dwellings within the county .
18 The second item of erm correspondence is from Bromley 's Bromley 's Social Services , if you remember , we 've got this on going campaign on home helps and along side that we 've got erm , we did hear of t his home shopping erm campaign that Bromley do , apparently quite successfully , the MP has mentioned that , so I thought I 'd get some details of that erm , it gives the whole procedure for , for the er shopping and the delivery and the Social Services pay out for it , they pay a charge , erm if you 'd like this copied , I could get copies for the next meeting , but meanwhile I 'd recommend that erm we take it up with Benefits Action tomorrow on the campaign .
19 he 's happy , er said are you happy with all the preparation that we 've done
20 The other thing I 'd say is that the budget settlement that we 've got introduces a further hundred thousand of investment in new technology , and this is part of our push to making us more efficient in the way we manage our budgets and all the rest of it .
21 The recession that we 've gone through in materials and elsewhere in the economy has taught us , or should have taught us I believe , a very clear lesson and that is that we must end the situation that 's in the building materials industry where our members rely for a reasonable standard of living on bonus earnings the problem being of course that as soon as the recession starts to bite , then the bonus pay becomes very vulnerable to attack and reduction by the employers .
22 Erm and again we must rest our case that we 've done our best with it .
23 specific points in the development of people , whilst that we recognise that the partners in practice was going to go into a quiet spell er something but we would run the risk if that happened on losing the expertise , the skill base that we 've got there and the undoubted qualities of the people within , we had to find a way in which we could use that skill base and other practice er of the practice and in fact that 's been quite successfully achieved in in recent months er with due diligence work for example er with legal support work is another example , when people in the insolvency practice have been very active on special science weeks ago tree .
24 The women centre has served a vital need for the community over the last six or seven years , and if it closes down all that work is basically gone and all the support that we 've build up has gone , because basically there 'll be nowhere that women can go to socialise and to find out what 's going on in Oxford .
25 The game about to be got under way here , it 's the second time of course that we 've had the taste of European football in just er inside a few weeks here at Lane , a very poor night for weather , you who 've not ventured out well , I think we understand that er because er as we say , it 's not a night when you would turn the dog out .
26 We 'd stick it in the freezer that we 've got downstairs .
27 Almost , but erm one could certainly arrive at a situation of the sort you 're imagining that we want to be sure that when we look at some very exotic phenomena in the past of the universe , which has no parallel on earth , erm or in our vicinity , how can we be sure that the laws of physics that we 've deduced on earth really apply ?
28 The weakness that we 've identified is that because we 're new we have n't learnt the game .
29 This is money that we 've lost .
30 Then , for the following one we bought the first meals on wheels van so that with all the money that we 've collected for Harlow day we bought something out of the money .
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