Example sentences of "[noun sg] that she had [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But , when nothing she could do from inside the car would make it go again , she began to realise in her non-mechanical mind that she had something of a problem on her hands .
2 He smiled and there was no triumph , only genuine pleasure that she had accepted his offer , and Ruth knew in her heart that she had nothing to fear from this man .
3 So she agreed to that bargain , and for a few days more kept the secret to herself , still hopeful that she might be mistaken , and yet at the same time aware of a feeling of inner triumph at the knowledge that she had her very own baby growing inside her womb .
4 And she once again had the strong , peculiar feeling that was coming over her more and more often : the feeling that she had nothing in common with those two-legged creatures with a head on their shoulders and a mouth in their face .
5 Gratitude that she had her errant responses firmly under control was flooding through her .
6 Later she became so paranoid about their power that she had her room searched for bugs .
7 Ronni smiled a small smile , grateful that the subject of Jeff and Silvia had been left behind , and enjoying , for once , the fact that she had him at a disadvantage .
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