Example sentences of "[noun sg] that you 've got " in BNC.

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1 I 'm only thinking that you 've got somebody counting ?
2 ‘ Just you bear in mind that you 've got me now , Kate , and you 'll have me for as long as you want me .
3 We also want the money quicker which erm I would have thought would more than outweigh any of the so-called extra expense that you 've got and er I said we regard it as an essential sales tool to be get m better recognition in the country so er he is progressing with the applications .
4 Well I do n't think that one will fit in your bedroom in any case , having looked at the size of the wardrobes and the site of the gap that you 've got .
5 All the slop and and scrape it all into this bucket with lots of it 's like tray you know like that tray that you 've got i next to your sink ?
6 It 's just the crap that you 've got to go through to get a hit , y'know , burgling , scoring and that .
7 If you 'd like to know specifically how much you personally can earn , without affecting your pension I would also suggest that you actually write to the Paymaster General 's Office will work out the amounts erm you know the figure that you 've got based on your particular circumstances .
8 And and so erm and if you double the figure that you 've got there
9 The sleeves and shoulders are very sloping — can you see it 's sort of , the line 's gone very drooping , I mean somebody said it gave the impression of melting butter , and , and that 's really the sort of figure that you 've got .
10 But if if you end up with all the popular metric business at somewhere around the sort of equivalent price level , margin level that you 've got that business at ,
11 I would er agree actually with what I think Mr was a saying on balance , that 's it 's best to go with the bit that you 've got rather than hold that up to , to er to come back to Road later .
12 you 're going to work in there , you 've just been given a , your , your standard value which is gross , thousand and thousand of dollars , now how are you going to spend that money that you 've got for
13 How do you find it erm find like getting by financially on the money that you 've got .
14 So it 's only the percentage that you 've got here .
15 I think it does mean though that issues like erm long term sickness erm the issue that you 've got with the two people in your patch , one of whom might go to the help desk , you need to get that resolved P D Q so you can say well I 've reduced my h the temp over budget by one .
16 we 've got a hundred grams divided by twenty eight pennies , the answer is whatever it comes to grams per divided by pennies , grams per penny , so that 's a good check that you 've got it the right way up , before you go and calculate it you just have a little look , what have I got here ?
17 The best advice I can give you is simply to go for unfair dismissal on the basis that you 've got two managers who do exactly the same job , there 's no need for you to go on site , there are other drivers that could get you there , therefore it 's not necessary to finish your job simply because you 've lost your licence .
18 It 's just a shame that you 've got
19 opinion that you 've got this
20 You talk about asking questions you talk about the product that you 've got to up to the question the problems that you .
21 Unfortunately they do n't think before they get the pet that you 've got to look after it .
22 Can I make a suggestion about , probably not relevant to B T but might be relevant to the other continuous jobs , if like health care it nearly follows the procedure that you 've got at the moment and that is that in that procedure you have somewhere a line that says that your continuous jobs at the beginning of the job , or early on in the job , in the master job file there is put a note of which parts of the procedure apply and which parts do n't , or how filing is done , or whatever bit is different , which allows you the flexibility for each job to have it 's own , to have it 's own small procedure that forms part of the master job file , that says this is how this one is done , if those differences are very small .
23 Well you know the , all the stuff that you 've got at the side where
24 Alright , just make some notes and stuff that you 've got already .
25 No sample questions but I mean in terms of the syllabus that you 've got there is y'know you 're much better off just having an understanding of it .
26 Then , then really that , that 's an area that you 've got to concentrate on cos ,
27 What bills have you got each month that you 've got ta pay ?
28 Is that your homework that you 've got ?
29 tt and also to run through your policy that you 've got with us
30 On your , on the sheet of paper that you 've got , could you now , that , that sheet , could you , write down , please , different letter form differences , and put a sub-heading that says , something like : letter forms , the other one of these was that
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