Example sentences of "[noun sg] that it is [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I shall argue in the next chapter that it is part of a teacher 's duties to attempt to redress the balance between children who have and those who have not the advantages of a supportive home .
2 For example , to say of what is in fact honey that it is n't honey , or of what is n't honey that it is , is false ; whereas to say of what is honey that it is honey , or of what is n't that it is n't , is true .
3 Taking a simple example , you might suddenly have an intimation that it is time to change direction and find a new job .
4 Name Badges IBOA pointed out to NIB Management that it is IBOA 's Security Policy that the wearing of name badges is not compulsory .
5 Prolonged prosperity is as likely as prolonged adversity to engender the mood that it is time for a change .
6 Although that has meant that not much can be done , in principle it is a good idea in that it forces underwater sites to compete with land sites for funding , and tends to keep the attention on the point that it is archaeology we are talking about .
7 It is difficult to resist the conclusion that it is Parliament , not the law , which is in danger of looking more and more like an ass .
8 The first aspect covered was to do with who owns problems and the notion that it is parents , not professionals .
9 Unlike many of the other Community programmes , DELTA concentrates exclusively on technology and it does so in the knowledge that it is technology rather than social/educational concerns that will bridge the yawning gap between training needs and training provision in the 1990s and beyond .
10 There is a very pervasive belief that it is research in theoretical and applied linguistics which provides the solutions .
11 Action means movement and where there is movement there must at least be a claim that it is movement in a particular direction .
12 [ Where a person , not appointed as a trustee , ] has received trust property with actual or constructive notice that it is trust property transferred in breach of trust , or because , not being a bona fide purchaser for value without notice , he acquires notice subsequent to such receipt and then deals with the property in a manner inconsistent with the trust , [ he is deemed a constructive trustee . ]
13 Yet it is not absolute in the sense that it is principle apart from morality on which morality itself is founded or a blueprint for conduct which allows for no exceptions .
14 They lack the Catholic sense that it is scriptures together with the unfolding tradition of the church in which authority lies .
15 DEEP THINKERS Forward planning O'Donovan also offers the simple but profound thought that it is women who will be giving birth to the next generation of Rugby League players .
16 Mm well the correct answer is is that normally a Thursday but there is no statutory er obligation that it is Thursday .
17 There is a popular assumption that it is men rather than women who feel the full effects of retirement .
18 This does not mean that national history and culture will not bulk large in the educational systems of particular countries , especially the smaller ones , or that they may not flourish locally within a much broader supranational framework as , say , Catalan culture today flourishes , but on the tacit assumption that it is Catalans who will communicate with the rest of the world through Spanish and English , since few non-residents in Catalonia will be able to communicate in the local language .
19 Despite Sartre 's reiteration that it is man who makes it , history increasingly assumes its own ontological status in the Critiques .
20 In fact , the group offered a bed for Hillsborough disaster victim Tony Bland in a hospital that it is plans to open in Liverpool .
21 At best , any reading of line A is bound to be provisional ; the precise sense of the " grass " image that it is grass in its aspect of impermanence ( absence of ) awaits a reading of line B.
22 ( An example is the suggestion that It is I is the only correct form whereas , in fact , most educated speakers of English generally say It 's me . )
23 In particular , we shall insist on the principle that it is speakers and writers who have topics , not texts .
24 This idea is at odds with the Saussurean principle that it is language which is primary , and that far from preceding language , meaning is an effect produced by language .
25 The English tradition that it is tor Parliament to do the taxing is so deep-seated that the court would probably assert a legal presumption , as a matter of statute interpretation , that powers of taxation are not included in a statutory delegation of power unless clear words are used , and that a general formula like that in the statute stated in the question is not sufficient . ’
26 Aided by the media , who have never failed to find an opportunity to slip in the idea that it is Saddam Hussein who wo n't negotiate , the US and its Allies have led their people into a terrifying war which will claim the lives of so many of their sons and daughters .
27 There may be , too , a sotto voce challenge to the received wisdom that it is people who cause desertification .
28 The evidence for these systems is generally personal and tends to reinforce our view that it is attitude of the teacher or parent which determines adherence to a given system rather than any objective verification .
29 The use of both was greatest in both declining and growing ( as opposed to stable ) firms , and this was taken as evidence for the view that it is firms facing fluctuating demand for output that make greatest use of temporary workers .
30 It is freedom of choice built on the view that it is individuals — not big brother , bureaucrats , councillors or even Members of Parliament — who know best .
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