Example sentences of "[noun sg] that have [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 His hands shake ant his balance is cruelly uncertain , a fly wheel that has lost its rhythm .
2 Criticism ( like praise ) should be related to the particular action that has earned it ( 'I do n't like it when you swear' ) .
3 Of course he had asked her if she was quite certain and she said she was , quite certain , but now he wondered if it was mere association that had made her agree , association and horror .
4 As soon as she reached the club , as soon as she was back in the public eye , she would have to switch on the false persona that had carried her through the past week .
5 That weeping was his weeping ; the grief that had overwhelmed him for so long .
6 Was it some insensitivity in his nature that had failed to respond to the nuances of the relationship , some obtuseness of perception that had prevented him from seeing , as it still prevented him from understanding ?
7 She shivered as she recalled the terrible blackness that had invaded her home and had clung to and coated the village on that night when she had heard the voices .
8 It was as if there was something out there — or perhaps several somethings — struggling to break free of a force that had held them for a very long time .
9 In Canada the British not only deluded themselves that they had defeated the axiom ; they also imagined it was the federal ingredient that had enabled them to do the trick .
10 But Arsenal began to display some of the tidy , organised football that had brought them four consecutive victories and they were rewarded with a superb equaliser 16 minutes from time when Campbell latched onto Martin Keown 's long pass , ghosted past two defenders and hammered the ball home .
11 But Villa had not forgotten the enterprising football that has taken them second in the Premier League , and in an eight-minute spell before the interval , they twice worried Ipswich keeper Clive Baker .
12 But the cost of his doing so has been revealed in all its starkness in the unseemly scramble for the succession that has followed his departure .
13 Writing to his mother and father , he said he wanted to explain that it was n't extravagance that had led him to buy not one coat but two , and two pairs of trousers .
14 ‘ It 's been lovely to see you all , even though it 's a sad errand that 's brought me ! ’
15 Compared to the freewheeling Rangers team under David Murray and Graeme Souness , critics have dismissed Celtic as a club that has taken its roots in poverty and charity to extremes .
16 He was the one who had got the photograph that had enabled her father to do the portrait .
17 In particular , it is the cost of the very expensive contemporary exhibition programme that has forced us to admit that we are , in the final analysis , running this as a public service .
18 Americans ought not to shed one more drop of blood in a continent that has shown them precious little gratitude ( at least outside Germany ) .
19 Industry was geared up , under Lend Lease , to produce the armaments that would defeat Hitler , and also pull the country finally and forever out of the stagnation that had crippled it for a decade .
20 It was Woil 's voice , desperate to see the same fear that had stopped him finding freedom now overtaking Creggan .
21 She struggled with the cold fear that had laid its hand on her : she had gone with a man , without protesting , without a single pledge from him , and not a word of kindness , not a promise for tomorrow ; she looked at Sabina 's back in front of her , the pinafore tied behind over her gathered skirt , and imagined her husband 's hands around that still sturdy small of her back , and wondered had she let him do that , do what Tommaso had done , before they were married ?
22 There was a silence and then she swore , remembering the fear that had convulsed her .
23 He had taken the name of Varna from the name of the port from which he had sailed but he had lived his life in terror of deportation , a fear that had haunted him long after it had ceased to be a real threat , so that he had never been able to enjoy his son 's success , seeing it only as something which drew unwelcome attention to the Varna family .
24 It was then she recognized it was fear that had set her limbs a-tremble and turned her blood to ice .
25 Though she was stiff and slightly sore , the tension that had made her talk too much , drop things , and jump at the smallest unexpected noise had completely disappeared .
26 ‘ This is unreal ! ’ she breathed , quite forgetting the tension that had dogged their journey out here .
27 ‘ The City is certainly more inclined to look kindly on the film trade than before , and thus a considerable weight that has handicapped us in the past is removed ’ , remarked John Maxwell , as he launched British International Pictures ( BIP ) as a public company with interests in production , exhibition and distribution .
28 If a file is removed , an ‘ out ’ guide with the date and name of the person or department that has taken it should be inserted in its place .
29 has already crapped himself about the visit cause extra work of course but er the er however we should er revert maybe we 'll keep an eye on the schedule and things er but we we need to tie it up tight so we do n't get a cos I mean what 's being said now in the corridors of power is that the schedule is totally sales driven and it 's the sales department that 's put it together , I am only the administrator , I only I d I completely take my orders from the sales department quote unquote in front of everybody at the management meeting .
30 like well apparently the fella that 's done it , for years , and years , for years , for years has had a
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