Example sentences of "[noun sg] that have [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But at least the new developments should ease the diplomatic impasse that has kept relations between Japan and the Soviet Union frozen for 46 years .
2 The moral values of the Protestant religion that had fuelled Bacon 's belief that science would enable humankind to dominate Nature were reformulated , not abandoned .
3 This disconnection between aims and curricular plans seems to be an endemic disease of curricular planning and , unless amended , the National Curriculum will show that in the late twentieth century the policy makers still could n't get out of the rut of traditional thinking that has dogged education throughout this century .
4 In XVIII Corps , the three Hessian regiments of the brigade that had overwhelmed Driant in the Bois des Caures had also lost over a thousand men each .
5 Markusen fails to mention , of course , the traditional underfunding that has dogged progress and development in many public libraries and her judgement here may be unduly severe .
6 These incidents are rare not only because national emergencies are mercifully infrequent , but because for much of the time there is an instinctive understanding between the governors of the broadcasting organization and the government of the nation , as the corporation 's behaviour on issues like appeasement demonstrates ; Reith succumbed to the same collective delusion that had seized Chamberlain , his foreign secretary , Halifax , and most of the population .
7 Bland and colourless as he is , Mr Major may indeed be finely tuned , as a political symbol , to these intricate ( and perhaps self-deceiving ) attempts to square the circle , and to the other underlying sociological and aspirational shifts in the electorate that have taken place .
8 The partnership that has shaped Zeelenberg 's career — Jan Huberts was the man who put Zeelenberg on a factory bike
9 Without some clear thinking about what Europeans and Americans still need from one another , the transatlantic partnership that has kept Europe safe for half a century will break apart .
10 ‘ It is this partnership that has reversed closure plans … even Shropshire county council and the Shrewsbury district council contributed finance , since the line serves shoppers and commuters into its one English station at Shrewsbury . ’
11 Suddenly it struck me that there was a flaw in the reasoning that had concentrated police inquiries on this upper part of the tidal Thames — or rather , not so much that there was a flaw in what had been worked out , but that the reasoning was incomplete .
12 It is these positive examples of what is generally taken to be a negative force that have given rise to such concepts as ‘ white ’ ( i.e. good ) witchcraft ; they are part of our European tradition and lend a certain credence to Margaret Murray 's exaggerated presentation of a satanic underground cult of evil co-existing with orthodox Christianity . ’
13 ENGLAND entered the realm of Disneyland with the defeat that has turned Graham Taylor into a Mickey Mouse figure .
14 The explanation , he says , is the fraud that has wrecked Brandmakers ' financing plans .
15 Historically , what has come to be known as the Third World has attracted only a tiny proportion of all the foreign investment that has taken place , while the economies of many poor countries , and even some rich ones , are commonly said to be dominated by foreign capital and/or foreign firms .
16 The leave-taking this time was formal , bearing none of the displays of emotion that had marked Prince Richard 's departure — the queen-dowager was but bidding farewell , it was thought , to her son 's bride , a young lady who was going to the royal palace within the Tower to keep company for a time with her husband .
17 The images formed a human kaleidoscope of every emotion that has dulled reactions to crisis , shock , suffering , surprise , success and failure .
18 It is this kind of theft that has boosted statistics to the extent that Holland has become one of the most criminal countries in the world .
19 We are deeply concerned about the matter , about the theft that has taken place and about the laxity of the rules which allowed that to happen .
20 One meeting I had with him occasioned an episode that has become public .
21 The Utopia that has eluded humankind for so long , and which has so frequently been proffered as a possible gift from ancient ‘ gods ’ , has always been attainable , it became so when that first ‘ good ’ event in the far-off beginning took place .
22 The adults , in the way that grown-ups have , forgot that my ears were listening and talked with bated breath of the murder that had taken place on those very sands earlier that year .
23 Speculation as to the causes of queues has included a greater public awareness of the CAB , growing numbers in receipt of state benefits , unemployment and the availability of credit , the rising divorce rate , and a complex legislative programme that has affected clients detrimentally .
24 The Socialist government in France has achieved a change in the country 's R&D programme that has astounded observers .
25 The confusion that had overcome Bernice earlier returned .
26 This restriction on the scope of industrial goods markets has become more significant given the degree of industrial and commercial concentration that has taken place since , say , 1945 .
27 THE tension that has gripped Miami began to ease yesterday as a policeman , William Lozano , was found guilty of manslaughter over the killing of two young black men on a motorcycle in January .
28 THE tension that has gripped Miami began to ease yesterday as a policeman , William Lozano , was found guilty of manslaughter over the killing of two young black men on a motorcycle in January .
29 Always more interested in obtaining results than in political theorizing , the new Home Secretary , in his first Cabinet post ( one that he coveted ) lost no time in setting his stamp on a Department that had become accident prone .
30 They have genuinely found it difficult to come to terms with the rout that has taken place — the complete volte-face .
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