Example sentences of "[noun sg] that have [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Another change in agricultural practice that has helped to boost food production has been the increased use of pesticides .
2 All three were drinking whisky , barely moistened with soda water , with a rapidity that had ceased to startle their friends .
3 A British citizen with a valid passport does not need a visa to visit the U.S. for up to 90 days for holiday or business or to transit if he enters the country on an air carrier that has agreed to participate in the no-visa program .
4 He is named in a party of 15 and his knack of scoring vital goals could prove a bonus for a side that has failed to find the net in seven of their last nine games .
5 Looking at this as one of the points of research avoids some of the narrowness of the kind of conception that has tended to dominate thinking about social research , namely that it is about testing theoretical explanations of the facts .
6 She still felt the power of those strong fingers , the protection that had seemed to swim around her .
7 The problems stem from a high cost structure and an ambitious move into management consultancy that has failed to live up to expectations .
8 The second major change that has begun to emerge , and will undoubtedly continue into the '90s , is that of the migration of electronic publishing products , which previously required the power of a workstation , onto personal computers .
9 The well-rounded rib — the barrel chest that has helped to give the Suffolk the name of Punch — is a distinctive feature , as is the deep carcase .
10 In view of the deeply felt resentment at the reign of Bayezid I on the part of at least the more pious elements of the state , it seems not impossible that Murad II ( 1421–51 ) who , alter Mehmed I ( 1413–21 ) , set about re-establishing the integrity and order of the Ottoman state , decided to provide an answer to the critics of the secular state by the creation of an office to represent the spiritual authority of the seriat , an office , moreover , free from the taint that had come to affect the members of the ulema associated with the state service .
11 When we are dealing with the literature on voting behaviour , we are dealing with a literature that has come to display turbulence in the face of electoral behaviour that has become increasingly volatile and unpredictable .
12 The technique that has evolved to assist government in making such decisions is cost-benefit analysis ( CBA ) .
13 His legs had buckled and knocked , a comic effect , and he 'd gone down too soon for his partner to see the ugly roundel that had begun to form on the white tennis shirt .
14 and finally tonight we 've news of the Gloucestershire village that has managed to succeed where the world of sport has failed miserably and that 's to re-run the 1993 Grand National …
15 Clues to the foci of several biogeographers may be gleaned from definitions in the number of texts on biogeography that have emerged to fill a gap that was acute until 1970 ( Table 5.2 ) .
16 The point is not that we in any way deliberately do down the intelligence of animals — although we do this as well — but that it is hard for us to imagine the workings of forms of intelligence that have evolved to cope with environmental circumstances different from our own .
17 The London International Opera Festival is now a regular fixture in the June calendar , and though its scale may be relatively modest — a skilful combination of performances annexed from the seasons of the Royal Opera and English National Opera with one- off ventures mounted by small-scale professional companies — it serves as a useful chance for the capital to catch up with a variety of new work that has failed to find a niche elsewhere .
18 Frequently , this competition involved provision of military equipment to potential allies — an aspect of Cold War rivalry that has contributed to conflict in Ethiopia , Somalia and the Middle East .
19 This approach emphasises that abuse is rare simply because the idea of a fiduciary relationship ( a relationship where there is a special duty of trust and care ) , and the consequent fiduciary law that has developed to protect this sort of relationship , would neither have evolved nor survived until today .
20 ‘ The boy that 's come to live at Beech Place . ’
21 After all , it was the wilderness that had helped to create him .
22 Appropriately enough , then , the last few days before the book 's appearance were touched with the same rapture that had helped to prompt its creation .
23 BOXING is a sport that has learned to live with controversy .
24 How to make life peaceful was a new question that had come to tease her mind .
25 Cray Research Inc is still having to trim costs further , and the latest victim of the climate of stringency is the real-time computing team that had intended to start shipping products early next year .
26 She hoisted her umbrella to ward off the light drizzle that had started to fall , gave me a couple of twenty-pound notes , said she 'd look forward to seeing me on Friday , kissed my cheek , then went off to do her shopping .
27 Two groups of undergraduate subjects were compared , a group that had learned to read Hebrew and a group that had not .
28 Airline Acquisition Corp , the management and pilot group that had agreed to pay $300 a share for United , announced at 2.54pm New York time that its agent banks , Chase Manhattan and Citibank , had found insufficient interest in the issue because of ‘ adverse changes in the market for this transaction ’ .
29 Parents could buy units for their children but there is only one group that has tried to target children — the MIM Rupert Trust .
30 Parents could buy units for their children but there is only one group that has tried to target children — the MIM Rupert Trust .
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