Example sentences of "[noun sg] that tell her [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Tuesday — could it really be only Tuesday when now every cell of her body was alight with a feedback intelligence that told her she had been waiting for this man all her life …
2 He smiled again , a sad , lonely smile that told her he was still not hers .
3 Everything about him was so dear to her now ; his smile , his face , the soft huskiness in his voice that told her he wanted her .
4 It was only the light from their own carriage lamps falling on the neglected driveway that told her they were approaching the house , and the salt smell that got stronger and stronger and seeped through the closed windows of the carriage .
5 The count 's cold voice and his return to formality assured Maggie that he had seen this small action and now he sat beside her with a set look on his face that told her he might very well not speak for the whole of the journey .
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