Example sentences of "[noun sg] you [verb] [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Er I just wondered what satura saturation you 've had golf clubs
2 But on the other side you 've got Dovedale and Manifold
3 My conscience over that headache of an interview you 'd promised Cara — and me making believe I was my sister — was really getting to me . ’
4 Now if you do n't my me asking you 've taken John 's surname I guess have you or
5 When it 's your child you 've watched fight for her life and then you get to the stage where she 's reached one .
6 And then of course you 've got Ronald Reagan and history ended with Ronald Reagan .
7 But of course you 've known Spaxton for so long . ’
8 Yeah , good job you 've got hay ni you 've got hay net on at each horse , you know .
9 But when I pressed O it turned out W but you know as we 're typing and all of a sudden you 've pressed O , and then I say I press W I got W up but no O.
10 into the front room you 've got Easter hopefully to go out and to sort out
11 O K that 's fairly basic stuff you 've got people .
12 seems to me though at that age you 've got freshness and initiative
13 in there mind , I 've bought you some chicken portions so when you 're here next week you 've got chicken portions
14 And it 's drawing the wagon you 've got control right the way through .
15 If you 're stuck for somewhere to take the kids on firework night and you want to know the one that 's nearest to you Action Line have got a great big long list you 've got piles have n't you ?
16 On the one hand you 've got guitar players who are very interested in the environment — after all , guitar players are artists , and artists tend to be more liberal and environmentally-minded than most — but on the other hand you have a lot of people who simply do n't want to be bothered .
17 every time you 've made a meal you 've made noodles .
18 ‘ I always thought it would be marriage or nothing for you — especially after the way you 've kept men at arm 's length over the years I 've known you . ’
19 By the way you 've put E I the wrong way round .
20 So , so as a rich peasant you 've got doubts about this ?
21 ‘ So that 's the first time you 've seen television ?
22 So yes the answer to the question is yes there is a budget there is a budget and we need to do things now one of the problems could be the budget is n't sufficient to cover all that needs doing so I think you 'll find that the building been built at a certain time there a comes a time you 've got plan a maintenance programme which we have things need to be done .
23 the time you 've got library books as well .
24 Cheaper than the car by the time you 've paid petrol there and back again .
25 This is not the first time you have ventured comments without the necessity to drag them from you . ’
26 If you find you have to put a car on the road purely for your job 's sake , by the time you have included petrol , road tax and insurance , plus an allowance for depreciation , that you may be better off working closer to home .
27 Well you you do it to a certain extent you 've got descriptions
28 A total communication situation where you 've got you might you 've got use of body language you 've got use of language you 've got use of tone of voice and you 're making you 're getting the message across .
29 A total communication situation where you 've got you might you 've got use of body language you 've got use of language you 've got use of tone of voice and you 're making you 're getting the message across .
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