Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was afternoon — the morning had gone on Crabb Robinson — which meant that all the ample , high , soft-blue leather desks along the spokes of the great wheel that radiated from the Superintendent 's desk , ensphered by the Catalogue , were taken , and he had to be content with one of the minimal flat triangular ends of the late-come segments inserted between these spokes .
2 Among other forms of religion that flourished in the Roman empire was Mithraism .
3 Greavesey of course and at the risk of overdosing on goals you can see all the action that mattered from the First Division yesterday .
4 One force that probed towards the plateau was destroyed , but the Italian threat remained .
5 In particular , problems of the calendar were the driving force that led to the initial development of Greek mathematical astronomy in the last decades of the fifth century BC .
6 It was the controlled , economical force that emanated from the man that was impressive , and the speed with which he absorbed information .
7 The illusion of an automatic tabula rasa also undermines the need for society to reflect on the consciousness that evolved under the conditions of the past 40 years .
8 The label was still left with a vibrant mini-LP that débuted in the charts at number 22 and went on to sell nearly 30,000 , 6,000 of them in Israel .
9 So I fear that some doubt may be placed in the minds of hon. Members about the cause of the shooting that resulted in the death of the young man that the right hon. Gentleman referred to .
10 Not everyone was reconciled to the breach in the succession that occurred with the Glorious Revolution .
11 She was still bent to the Dobermann when she discovered that she needed a moment to control a knot of emotion that came from the thought that she would see neither the dog nor its owner again .
12 A VOLCANO that erupted in the Philippines last week , killing more than 60 people , exploded again yesterday in blasts of superheated steam , smoke and ash .
13 From the early years of this century comes an account of one such episode that occurred in the docks of Bremen .
14 She lifted her feet , one by one , pressed them down on to the boot-scraper that stood by the back door .
15 The Scotch of St James , off Piccadilly , was the club that pulled in the new pop generation .
16 He had chosen a seat that faced towards the door , and he watched the young couples entering .
17 Morse had never seen Mrs Marion Kemp , but from the marriage photograph that hung in the living room he realised that she must once have been quite a vivacious woman : dark , curly hair ; slim , firm figure ; and curiously impudent , puckish eyes .
18 They achieved this by combining two different methods : a longitudinal study , following the same children for four years from before they were able in read until they had been at school for two or three years ; and a training programme that looked at the effect of giving pre-school children specific training in categorising sounds .
19 The habits of mind that went with the mayorazgo were not those of the ideal improving landlord of the Economic Societies , ‘ always occupied in the felicity of his village ’ .
20 The hon. Member for Knowsley , South ( Mr. O'Hara ) — whom I welcome to the Chamber — missed that point in Committee , where we enjoyed the confusion that reigned on the Opposition Benches in respect of this issue .
21 She screamed , but it had little effect , just added to the confusion that reigned in the room .
22 She gathered her masks and stepped towards the hollowing , fighting against the gale that blew into the quieter realm of the marsh .
23 The incident provoked a demonstration that led to the arrest and beating of Vuk Draskovic , head of the Serbian Renewal Movement , the largest opposition democratic party .
24 The plateau we crossed before the final pyramid was hostile , the snow wind-beaten to a hard , glittering crust that squeaked at the approach of our boots and then gave a satisfying crunch as we went through it .
25 She 'd found him showered and changed into lightweight jeans and a white polo shirt and reading in the shade of the cloister-like gallery terrace that ran along the back of the house overlooking the gardens and the pool .
26 Speedwell jumped over the little brook that ran down the middle of the field and when Acorn tried to follow him and fell short , Silver joked with him as he scrambled out and rolled him in a patch of dead oak leaves until he was dry .
27 Marian made a bed of dry bracken for Hugh while Allen lit a fire and fetched water from a brook that ran at the foot of the bank on its way to swell the nightmare of the Swamp .
28 Marian made a bed of dry bracken for Hugh while Allen lit a fire and fetched water from a brook that ran at the foot of the bank on its way to swell the nightmare of the Swamp .
29 Fifteen li north of Tongjiang , at the edge of the T'ang 's great estate , were the ruins of an ancient Buddhist monastery that dated from the time of the great Sung dynasty .
30 Of this , £1 million is a large chunk that will reduce the UK 's ability to contribute to the type of research that led to the discovery of the Z o .
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