Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [vb past] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Of course he had asked her if she was quite certain and she said she was , quite certain , but now he wondered if it was mere association that had made her agree , association and horror .
2 As soon as she reached the club , as soon as she was back in the public eye , she would have to switch on the false persona that had carried her through the past week .
3 That weeping was his weeping ; the grief that had overwhelmed him for so long .
4 Was it some insensitivity in his nature that had failed to respond to the nuances of the relationship , some obtuseness of perception that had prevented him from seeing , as it still prevented him from understanding ?
5 She shivered as she recalled the terrible blackness that had invaded her home and had clung to and coated the village on that night when she had heard the voices .
6 It was as if there was something out there — or perhaps several somethings — struggling to break free of a force that had held them for a very long time .
7 In Canada the British not only deluded themselves that they had defeated the axiom ; they also imagined it was the federal ingredient that had enabled them to do the trick .
8 But Arsenal began to display some of the tidy , organised football that had brought them four consecutive victories and they were rewarded with a superb equaliser 16 minutes from time when Campbell latched onto Martin Keown 's long pass , ghosted past two defenders and hammered the ball home .
9 And in the storm of emotion that threatened to overwhelm her there was only room for one thought .
10 Writing to his mother and father , he said he wanted to explain that it was n't extravagance that had led him to buy not one coat but two , and two pairs of trousers .
11 He was the one who had got the photograph that had enabled her father to do the portrait .
12 Once again she wanted to block off the part of her mind that needed to question his past life with Maria Luisa .
13 And besides , there was a robust corner of her mind that refused to believe what was happening .
14 Industry was geared up , under Lend Lease , to produce the armaments that would defeat Hitler , and also pull the country finally and forever out of the stagnation that had crippled it for a decade .
15 It was Woil 's voice , desperate to see the same fear that had stopped him finding freedom now overtaking Creggan .
16 She struggled with the cold fear that had laid its hand on her : she had gone with a man , without protesting , without a single pledge from him , and not a word of kindness , not a promise for tomorrow ; she looked at Sabina 's back in front of her , the pinafore tied behind over her gathered skirt , and imagined her husband 's hands around that still sturdy small of her back , and wondered had she let him do that , do what Tommaso had done , before they were married ?
17 There was a silence and then she swore , remembering the fear that had convulsed her .
18 He had taken the name of Varna from the name of the port from which he had sailed but he had lived his life in terror of deportation , a fear that had haunted him long after it had ceased to be a real threat , so that he had never been able to enjoy his son 's success , seeing it only as something which drew unwelcome attention to the Varna family .
19 It was then she recognized it was fear that had set her limbs a-tremble and turned her blood to ice .
20 She bit her lip , fighting the fear that threatened to overwhelm her .
21 Though she was stiff and slightly sore , the tension that had made her talk too much , drop things , and jump at the smallest unexpected noise had completely disappeared .
22 ‘ This is unreal ! ’ she breathed , quite forgetting the tension that had dogged their journey out here .
23 The voice came distantly , accompanied by an echo that seemed to rob it of identity .
24 Still , it was only a hare that had hurt him .
25 But now the tragedy that had killed her mother and Jake 's father and made an orphan of little Kirsty had , cruelly , brought them together again .
26 ‘ Araminta wanted me to clear up first , ’ Theda answered , trying to still the flutter that had attacked her pulses at the touch of his hand on her arm .
27 That word ‘ proposition ’ and the look of appraisal that had accompanied it , when she recalled them , still sent shivers through her .
28 In 1966 the Beatles had given up touring , a practice that had consumed their lives ever since they 'd been catapulted into celebrity in 1963 .
29 It was the car that had annoyed her .
30 The police car that had followed him to the Windorah was still parked across the road .
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