Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [pers pn] [vb base] we " in BNC.

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1 York 's a historic city of some hundred and four thousand people , covering some two thousand nine hundred hectares , but that city itself is only part of the settlement that I think we would all regard as as York itself , that covers a larger population of some a hundred and thirty five thousand people , er contained er within the York outer ring road , and referenced to the the map submitted with my H One submission , and also the greenbelt plan which we 've we 've just put up on the board there , er will show you the the broader extent of the urban area .
2 I made it clear on a number of occasions over recent years that there was , in retrospect , one change that I wish we had not made at the time , but it was one that was urged on us by right hon. Gentlemen opposite .
3 The first benefit that I believe we have gained is a better ability to define what are and are not suitable tasks for the application of AI , in particular expert systems .
4 During a boom we can afford to ignore our little mistakes , but when money is tight we only buy make-up that we know we will use .
5 The only issue that I think we have some er difficulty with in the policy as it stands at the moment , is the uncertainty that arises between the figure provided in policy I five of forty six hectares for the city , and actually our agreed calculation which I think the County Council accept , that site availability in the city is limited to something in the order of thirty three hectares if we exclude er one site which is subject to a dispute between parties er in relation to the greenbelt .
6 Question ten is a very involved question that I think we wo n't look at now .
7 Erm , the other point that I think we should be clear and we should remember , that this Council has still not wavered .
8 If if we do a special works job or a special bridges job that we feel we 've done particularly well , then we can produce for that job
9 erm I I think that being able to acknowledge for themselves — the adults — for them to be able to acknowledge to themselves that this is a very stressful time , that erm that children may be needing that extra bit of sensitivity erm in terms of how we respond to their behaviour , which may be very erm connected with the general level excitement and and stress that I think we as adults are feeling , and certainly that are being picked up from the media .
10 And what 's more , we 'll have the power to charge them for the inconvenience that they cause us .
11 Thank you , Father , for the fellowship that you want us to enjoy in the church .
12 Erm with without a new settlement erm that that was indeed the the impression that erm I was left with as well , and what what we 've sought to do in in the evidence that we 've we 've put before you is to take the nine seven , nine thousand seven hundred figure in Greater York , and and er s based on the data supplied by the County Council to demonstrate that that actually when one looks at outstanding commitments erm with planning permission , identified the sites er without planning permission , those those that are allocated in local plans , making suitable allowances for small sites erm windfall sites and conversion , erm the the residual figure that is left in Greater York , which I calculate to be eight thousand six hundred and thirty seven , once one has taken away completions , which I think is an agreed figure between nineteen ninety one and nineteen ninety three of one thousand and sixty three , that erm , those existing commitments , and the sites likely to come forward , ma virtually match the figure for the outstanding housing requirement , so so one is left with a view that erm from from the data that 's put in front of us that there is n't a residue of that size to accommodate , although I accept that there may well be a residue of some sort , erm and it seems to me that the established Greater York erm framework , er is is the process by which that is distributed around the counties along the lines that the discussion 's proceeded this morning .
13 But you can see that er for someone who has no , a wife who has no income and her husband 's paying twenty five percent or forty percent then by moving a , say er twenty thousand at erm well er whatever percentage to fill up these allowances er if you 're getting ten thousand or twenty thousand put , put it into the wife 's name that they give us the interest is then hers , if she has no other income it neatly can be swallowed up by the allowance .
14 I think our strategy should be that we pare our prices down , to the absolute minimum that we think we can do the work for , take a little bit more off that and hope to get some money back on variations .
15 I was reading in the , in er , in that paper that you give us , you know , I was reading soaps and that
16 The principles of inference by which we are to move from basic to non-basic beliefs are fallible , in the sense that they take us sometimes from true beliefs to false ones .
17 They are in the sense that I think we believe they 're mandatory , do n't we ?
18 That 's the sort of unconscious bias that I think we 're talking about where
19 Whether it 's everyday or special occasion glass that you desire we help you through the crystal maze .
20 Assertiveness always seems to be one of these subjects that really , I do n't why but it seems to get to get people talking about about being aggressive about dismissive about lots of different things and I think assertion perhaps is one thing that we need we need to clarify
21 One thing that I think we have to be very careful about , if we did legalize cannabis there would be a proportion of adolescents who would get a great kick out of it , but there would those who do n't get the kick because it 's not illegal .
22 Predictions have value of course because these are things which affect climate and affect people 's lives , but also making a prediction is a way of trying to verify whether the understanding that we think we have about how the system works can actually be translated into equations which are put on a computer , and then when you let this go it in fact s does indeed do what the real world does .
23 These are the ones I am particularly anxious about at the moment , erm , now I 've put down four different headings on this particular way that I think we could help , erm , and hopefully , if there 's two hundred perhaps you 'd tell me whether there 's two hundred thousand is aimed at perhaps some of it , in , in this direction or not , I do n't know ?
24 There 's some sort of standard that we think we ought to have in order to do this thing right and we 're we 're below everybody else , yes .
25 It was such an excellent atmosphere that I hope we can make it an annual fixture . ’
26 It sticks in my throat that you know we 've had to pay it but , from the point of view of the residents , we 've done the right thing by letting it .
27 And I 've said that the maximum that I think we could reasonably cope with would be five .
28 I says no I ca n't , he says it 's not very far , I said it 's not the distance that bothers me it 's the fact that you want us to sit there till eleven o'clock at night and not get paid for it , he says yeah but if you want to say something , I says I 'd say something if I thought we 'd be backed on it , but we 're not , oh I 'm not going anywhere to be if I 'm not being paid
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