Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [art] [noun sg] had " in BNC.

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1 The moral revulsion engendered by the perception that the killer had also profited by his crime resulted in hurriedly enacted legislation which was designed to prevent criminals from receiving financial gain from their literary ventures .
2 The controversy stemmed from an equivocal statement on the coup by the BSP on Aug. 19 , and the perception that the party had only taken a clear stand when the coup began to crumble .
3 Labour voters who observed the anti-Labour virulence of the SNP campaigns are puzzled as to why a few Labour MPs and trade union luminaries have made it their mission to resuscitate a force that the electorate had efficiently reduced to three seats .
4 Coastwatch co-ordinator Gareth Rees said it was the fourth year in succession that the survey had shown a deterioration and called on the government and regulatory bodies to act .
5 But there were many who were under no illusion that the victory had been won and the tide had turned .
6 Held , granting the applications and remitting the case to the magistrates , the essence of the defence case was an allegation that the prosecutor had dishonestly contrived to manipulate the prosecution process so as to avoid the consequences of the legislation which brought the applicants within the custody time limit regulations .
7 While there was disappointment that the Chancellor had not taken the opportunity to roll up tax relief for first time buyers into the first few years of a mortgage , the doubling of the stamp duty threshold has been widely welcomed .
8 Bill concealed his disappointment that the man had failed to comment on the appearance of the pride of the yard .
9 Among more radical monetarists and free marketeers there remains disappointment that the government had not done more to shift the middle ground .
10 Most welcomed the general conclusion that " in the longer term , environmental pressures will operate against coal as a primary source of energy " , although many expressed disappointment that the government had not undertaken a more far-reaching assessment of the country 's energy needs and their environmental impact .
11 While expressing disappointment that the conference had failed to agree to this , they acknowledged that progress towards this goal had been achieved .
12 The House of Lords allowed the defendant 's appeal with the result that the case had to go back for a retrial eleven years after the plaintiff had suffered damage .
13 One scholar writes that whereas before 1861 " a Russian serf had been a legal nullity " , afterwards he received " entirely new legal entitlements and obligations extending into every basic transaction of everyday life " , with the result that the government had to redesign the empire 's judicial system in order to integrate the peasantry into the community at large .
14 Later , he refused to certify to the Inland Revenue that the company had not engaged in further similar transactions , and he was sacked .
15 Home Office Minister of State Michael Jack said later in a Commons written reply that the Government had no immediate plans to increase the penalties for the possession of porno-graphic material .
16 In the photograph that the studio had acquired the four men brought to trial in Detroit look out at us almost belligerently announcing their status as ordinary guys ; they wear poor suits and no ties , they are unshaven , and they clutch their hats .
17 When the Cork-based company , Raybestos of Ringaskiddy , was found to be dumping asbestos illegally in the late 1970s , it created such local uproar and intractable opposition that the company had to leave .
18 He had little time for the confusion that the Council had appeared to generate in many parts of the Church .
19 Cooper , who is also a director of the first division club , only learned from a journalist that the receiver had been called in .
20 Animal Painting in Britain was the title of a book by Basil Taylor , where he explained in his first chapter that the topic had been neglected since it was either assumed to be about sporting pictures , or about pictures of horses by such specialists as Sartorius .
21 The Strathclyde Firemaster , John Jameson , said at the scene of the tragedy that the family had lost their lives for the price of a £5 smoke alarm .
22 Alternatively the cleanliness of the pit base has been viewed as an indication that the pit had plank floors at ground level .
23 Ace had found herself inventing new techniques as she tried to use the shuttle 's processors to hack into the station 's maintenance systems , but there had been no indication that the station had even been receiving her signals .
24 It must , thought Fenella , snatching the spell off the wall and holding it between her hands as she stood at the silver door , waiting for an indication that the Robemaker had gone .
25 It was one more indication that the government had its own vested interest in allowing Ulster to stew indefinitely in its crime and racketeer misery .
26 To leave it to a free vote of the House might be taken as an indication that the Government had not made up its mind and would be an invitation to the House of Lords to delete from the Bill the clause abolishing the death penalty .
27 He said : ‘ It was at a meeting on January 17 — two days after we answered the status inquiry — that we had the first indication that the shop had decided to consult an insolvency expert . ’
28 Three negative reports in a row would be a strong indication that the disease had been arrested .
29 Although this is phrased negatively , it was clear from the interview that the school had been very influential in shaping her enthusiasm for physics .
30 When , in 1986 , I collected a new Nissan car that a sponsor had bought for me , I was stopped four times in one day because the car was new and , as I had been told frequently enough by the police when I worked on Ealing Community Relations Council , black men ca n't afford new cars .
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