Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [pron] be [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Their conversation was interrupted by the familiar sound of a girl 's badly-acted laughter from behind the bead curtain which led to the interior of the brothel , punctuated by the growling of a man who is under the illusion that he is cock of the dunghill .
2 Empty phrases to give you the illusion that it 's Adam who 's holding you , and not me ?
3 ‘ I reached such a low ebb that there were times when the last thing I wanted to do was to go out and play golf .
4 Cattle-ranching requires only a small number of cowboys and large tracts of land , which could alternatively be intensively cultivated , with the result that there is underemployment of labour and a low physical and economic return per unit of surface area .
5 But you have to bear in mind that we are doctors , and as such we should really do what we 're trained to do — and are expected to do . ’
6 now at the end of the day , whatever your own views about a contingency fund are , bearing in mind that it 's service , not management charged , if the residence do n't agree can you simply dictate to them that they 've got to have a contingency fund ?
7 ‘ Applying that test , and bearing in mind that there are persons on the fringes of subversion that may make it difficult to draw the line ’ , the Commissioner has been satisfied that the Home Secretaries ' warrants have always been justified .
8 Er and that the , the final analysis er in regard to time , was reasonable , because you 've got to bear in mind that there was money attached to that , and if his figures are out , and your bonus effort could be increased by ten to fifteen or even twenty percent you know , then his time was considered by the management to be much too loose .
9 Graham looked towards Laidlaw for confirmation that it was Barak .
10 But , yeah , I take your analogy that there are plays in which time , or the gods , or God sort things out .
11 I should say that he was good for at least another five years of hard work and although there are various rumours about his suffering from some obscure disease which makes his hand extremely shaky , I have had it on the quiet from his medical adviser that he is sound as a bell .
12 I shall argue in the next chapter that it is part of a teacher 's duties to attempt to redress the balance between children who have and those who have not the advantages of a supportive home .
13 They drive me to distraction : at first I refuse to fight back , on the grounds that life is sacred and it is not their fault that they are mosquitos , but I eventually join in the swatting that punctuates the quiet every so often .
14 It is a great tragedy that there are types of pain which fail to respond to narcotics even when they are given in large repeated doses .
15 They spent the rest of the afternoon in animated discussion — so animated that Folly had gently to point out to her employee that it was time to lock up .
16 If I can demonstrate that the Kaiser himself , the monarch who ruled Germany for thirty years until nineteen eighteen , had ideas very similar if not identical to those of Hitler 's , at a time when he was not in contact with Hitler , when Hitler 's party was nowhere in political terms , then I think that 's yet another very important indication that there is continuity in German history from say the Bismarckian period through to nineteen forty-five , and that Hitler stands in that national tradition , and is not some kind of lightning erm that , that struck Germany erm from a blue sky .
17 In dismissing the taxpayer 's appeal , Mr Justice Rattee said that the taxpayer could have made the returns accompanied by an indication that there were matters still outstanding which might affect the contents of the returns .
18 Only a slight chill in the air gave any indication that it was autumn , and even that was beginning to fade away as the sun blazed down again out of a clear blue sky .
19 Well does it say on the tape that it was brand new ?
20 But any fighter who can convince a man like Futch that he 's championship material does n't need to worry about proving his credentials to lesser figures in boxing .
21 Distinguishing some children 's books as ‘ classics ’ does serve one valuable purpose : it is the recognition that they are works of merit in their own right .
22 The committee 's subsequent decision to include policy T seven in the structure plan , appears to have been taken without debate and without formal recognition that it 's inclusion conflicted with their earlier er decision .
23 Recognition that there are areas to be catered for which lie outside the subject departments and need to be kept outside the distribution mechanism , for example , administration , library , orchestra etc .
24 The recognition that there are authors who have not traditionally formed part of the literary ‘ canon ’ in the past may also lead to discussion about present-day social inequalities .
25 Once there is a recognition that there is room for improvement there comes the task of developing a commitment and determination to bring about change .
26 The reason why this specific condition is not regarded as repeated is that it is incompatible with the condition to which the substitution is subject : the substitutes are to be admitted if no children are born to the testator or if any born die before puberty , whereas the manumission is subject to the condition that there are children who are still alive at puberty .
27 Now my Lord as is er then made clear in a statement of claim paragraph three fifteen erm between the twenty third of October and about the twenty second of November the plaintiff then acting upon the advice of Peter that it was not possible to withdraw on this contract , did endeavour to complete upon the deal as soon as possible , very much with the timing in his mind and eventually after some toing and froing which er will be demonstrated in the course of the evidence , agreement was reached with the landlord for his consent to the assignment to be given er on condition that there was payment of some advance rent by the plaintiff .
28 We recognise that it is crucial for any settlement that there be agreement between the two communities , as communities .
29 I wanted to maintain the fiction that you were Fabien 's daughter — until we were married at least , and I felt you were safe enough — secure enough in my love to be able to face the real truth .
30 Now it is of course always possible to substitute ( x ) Fx for ( Ex ) Fx , replacing the existential quantifier , that is , with a universal quantifier plus negation , but there is nothing much to be gained by such a swap , for to paraphrase the proposition that something is human by saying that it is not the case that everything is non-human is merely to beg the question .
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