Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [pron] [pers pn] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In this he initiated the Great Debate by exhorting teachers to ‘ satisfy parents and industry that what you are doing meets their requirements and the needs of their children ’ .
2 The nearest we can get to a guarantee of success in our moral choices is the cogency of the arguments that we bring to bear in their support coupled with the recognition that what we are almost invariably doing , as MacIver points out and thinkers like Sartre have laboured to establish , is continually deciding between possible alternatives .
3 We have tried to make it clear in the law that what we are establishing is a parallel procedure and not an exclusive procedure , so that the other law as it existed , whatever it is , still does exist today , but that here is a prescribed procedure which terminally ill patients may choose to use should they wish to do so .
4 Erm I think I 'd support the first point that we we 're obviously er all in favour well the County Council is certainly in favour of flexibility in terms of addressing the post two thousand er six scenario .
5 In twenty years time maybe they wo n't feel so self-conscious , but I do n't think we should lost sight of the point that what they 're getting a tiny , tiny sense of is what women , a large number of women , feel all the time .
6 I again spent most of the afternoon looking for gaunt-face , coming in the end to the conclusion that whatever he was doing on the train he was n't travelling because of an overpowering interest in racing .
7 I think when somebody teaches it they teach it in the premise that everybody they 're talking to is heterosexual .
8 It was absolutely great and confirmed to everybody in the band that what I was doing was viable , and I got picked up by an agent right away — the same night , in fact . ’
9 There 's no guarantee that what we 're hunting is going to follow the rules . ’
10 A vast new respectable society arose round the professions , dignified by the belief that what they were doing ( although it might be exorbitantly expensive ) was in pursuit of some higher calling .
11 To see a parent — someone he thinks of as being all-powerful and ever-capable — reacting in such a way must induce in the child the belief that whatever it is that is causing such terror must be dreadful indeed and that he , therefore , should be equally terrified .
12 The lady had cordially assured me at the outset that I was free " to party with anybody I liked the look of " ( this , except for the half-ounce bikini she wore , being her only hint that what we were sitting in was n't a beauty parlour or seminar room but actually a brothel .
13 The Factory had n't been specific ( it rarely is ) , but I had the feeling that whatever it was warning me about was important , and I also suspected it would be bad , but I had been wise enough to take the hint and check my Poles , and now I knew my aim was still good ; things were still with me .
14 Though like all market-place democracy , you do have the feeling that what you 're actually seeing is an impressive piece of set-building , that the real action lies below the surface , in some place where entry is rather more restricted .
15 I mean , a feeling that it it was n't naturally in the area but it could be stirred up .
16 Furniture that what it were called
17 Some sportsmen connect you viscerally with them when they perform , often those who , like Christie , are not infallible , are not always perfectly behaved , but who give you both a run for your money and a sense that what they 're doing is dramatic and important .
18 We had shared our lives and ministered with others in the faith sharing team and there was a sense that whatever we were in , we were in it together .
19 As he turned back the coverlet of the bed where he must sleep alone , Frere consoled himself with the thought that what he was incapable of accomplishing himself might be accomplished for him by time and that providential hand , of which , in his earnest efforts outside the home , he was the faithful instrument .
20 where 's that ? , they ca n't call that pony that whatever it 's called ?
21 Erm , it would be unsafe , I think , to work on an assumption that what we 're going to er one post becoming available through natural wastage per year , and even that erm , highish I think .
22 Something forces you to stumble on , and that is the conviction that what you are doing has a meaning .
23 It surely seems worth investigating the possibility that whatever it is about power lines that flips a normal brain into depression may flip a depressed brain back to normality .
24 Doubts as to even the possible reality of such a law , arising from an excessively empiricist conception of the possibilities of being , prove unreasonable in the light of the establishable fact that both the every day world in which we live , and we ourselves , are only appearances of a realm of things in themselves whose true nature is hidden from us. for this opens the possibility that what we are in ourselves is essentially rational beings , belonging to a society of rational beings , while what we are as appearances is sensory beings .
25 He combines the view that what it is like to see , for example colour is something BS would come to know on gaining his sight , with the view that what it is like to see , for example , colour is not a further fact in addition to the physical facts about the brain ( p. 146f ) .
26 He combines the view that what it is like to see , for example colour is something BS would come to know on gaining his sight , with the view that what it is like to see , for example , colour is not a further fact in addition to the physical facts about the brain ( p. 146f ) .
27 I guess my thought was that , was that in view that there we were doing philosophy the more convergence there would be if we really knew what we were about as philosophers .
28 Chesarynth sensed it and realized for the first time that what she was hearing was nothing but verbally-trimmed ideas .
29 Well okay so so you 're going to you 're going to erm emphasize the er the fact that what we are supplying is a noise tested
30 The BBC usually attempt to hide the fact that what they 're about to show is a repeat by introducing it with the words : ‘ Another chance to see …
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