Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [noun] could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In the same speech she said that she wanted her government to be remembered as one ‘ which decisively broke with a debilitating consensus of a paternalistic Government and a dependent people ; which rejected the notion that the State is all powerful and the citizen is merely its beneficiary ; which shattered the illusion that Government could somehow substitute for individual performance ’ .
2 It should be kept in mind that TFIIA could also act as an anti-inhibitor either by inducing a conformational change of TBP ( 16 ) or by competing with negative components binding to TBP ( 15 ) .
3 Pareto and Mosca ransacked history for multiple examples of this ‘ natural ’ cycle in operation , claiming that the accumulated weight of evidence refuted Marxist claims that there could ever be a classless society and liberals ' optimism that power could ever be meaningfully dispersed under popular control by establishing representative government .
4 The ICA suggested as a cheaper alternative that firms could simply be required to forward their 5-weekly reconciliations to their reporting accountant , who could then undertake appropriate tests and verify compliance in his or her report .
5 In the event , Aunt Sarah 's voice was wonderfully steadying , bringing back the untidy , comfortable living room in Coniston with such vividness that Ruth could almost smell Uncle Nick 's slippers scorching in front of the fire .
6 She tapped in the number of her agent , spoke briefly to his secretary , then held the receiver several inches away from her ear , knowing from past experience that Bernie could generally be heard for miles without the benefit of a phone .
7 Colonel Feather had then expressed a worry that children could easily reach over and scoop up a fingerful of frosting , perhaps spoiling someone 's chances , so he and Mr Doran — the latter complaining mightily about his lumbago — had moved the cakes to the back of the table .
8 It was like a dream that Sam could neither halt nor awake from : the gulls were screaming overhead and the rollers were thundering up against the Gribbin .
9 In his ’ Dear Colleague ’ letter , the Secretary of State referred to the benefit that students could previously have claimed .
10 Just another bloody journalist , a dilettante with a ragbag mind , who thought that because he had a smattering of scientific language , which he produced with a glib assurance that made George want to choke him , he was qualified to question him , a serious scientist with an intellectual grasp that Gerrard could never understand , let alone achieve .
11 Here was a trait that Theo could wholeheartedly approve and support .
12 It was clear after the war that Japan could no longer rely on textile exports for most of its foreign exchange earnings ( chapter 2 ) .
13 ‘ The Act of 1833 publicly affirmed that the precepts of common humanity were not so alien to the logic of industrial capitalism that checks could only by imposed from without .
14 In saving , in rescuing lost humanity , lost you and lost me , it was the hardest , most difficult , most painful job that God could ever do !
15 Are we about to embark on an information explosion that historians could never handle , or are we about to discover resources to make a historian 's vision of our world fuller than the vision historians have of any other period ?
16 I think that George was a good , honest character who was possibly the best friend that Lennie could ever have the good fortune to be acquainted with .
17 ‘ Just act as you usually do when you have to visit the privy , ’ he had instructed , with a grin that Isabel could only describe as fiendish .
18 Matallana , who emphasized that he was not a communist and had no regrets for his past anti-guerrilla role , stated that the M-19 had proved itself to be politically honest and now shared his belief that Colombia could only achieve change via the polls .
19 Its cohesion was shattered by the rift between those who accepted the Communist line that the war was " imperialist " and should be ended and those who retained their previous belief that fascism could only be defeated by armed opposition .
20 With all these things going well , Ken seemed as happy as possible although Michael Codron could find no reason to amend his belief that Ken could never be happy .
21 At his pub , deluded O'Rourke insisted last week that Lifeboys could still be going ahead .
22 She had left the house earlier that morning with the miserable feeling that things could never be right for her again .
23 Their manager , Graham Turner , had said before the game that Wolves could still make it into the play-offs , but this result has put paid to those hopes .
24 And the informal learning that teachers could so usefully acquire from each other , through talking about their teaching and watching each other teach , is often prevented by overcrowded timetables ( and , of course , the vexed issue of ‘ cover ’ ) and/or by a staff ethos that discourages such activities .
25 Conservatism ( both secular and Christian ) was on the rise and there was a feeling of greatness and destiny : a sense that Americans could again hold up their heads and ‘ walk tall ’ .
26 There was some apprehension , not only because of the newness of the organisation and the awareness that hitches could easily occur , but also because of possible French recalcitrance .
27 One final aspect on the redemption was the slow realisation that bondholders could still to enjoy perpetual free membership after redemption and assign it in accordance with the rules .
28 And she had backed away in such a fashion that Lily could only let her arms drop .
29 There 's one small improvement that Lowden could easily make to the LSE , and that would be to have a strap-button at the heel as a standard feature .
30 Such is the wealth of information that analysis could easily become a complex statistical exercise .
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