Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Among other forms of religion that flourished in the Roman empire was Mithraism .
2 The deepest cleft that exists in the earth 's surface is the Grand Canyon in the western United States .
3 He had the revolutionary idea that gravity was not just a force that operated in a fixed background of space-time .
4 The label was still left with a vibrant mini-LP that débuted in the charts at number 22 and went on to sell nearly 30,000 , 6,000 of them in Israel .
5 So I fear that some doubt may be placed in the minds of hon. Members about the cause of the shooting that resulted in the death of the young man that the right hon. Gentleman referred to .
6 A VOLCANO that erupted in the Philippines last week , killing more than 60 people , exploded again yesterday in blasts of superheated steam , smoke and ash .
7 " Next week I shall be writing about moorland walks and suggesting an itinerary that takes in the ever-attractive Tower Foin . "
8 From the early years of this century comes an account of one such episode that occurred in the docks of Bremen .
9 The Scotch of St James , off Piccadilly , was the club that pulled in the new pop generation .
10 Morse had never seen Mrs Marion Kemp , but from the marriage photograph that hung in the living room he realised that she must once have been quite a vivacious woman : dark , curly hair ; slim , firm figure ; and curiously impudent , puckish eyes .
11 Well , yes , it can be that easy if you are only moving fairly slowly , but bear in mind that to stop in a reasonable distance you have to hold on the control long enough to raise the nose and apply a braking force .
12 She screamed , but it had little effect , just added to the confusion that reigned in the room .
13 The idea of radiation from black holes was the first example of a prediction that depended in an essential way on both the great theories of this century , general relativity and quantum mechanics .
14 For example , in flowering plants the haploid stage is reduced to the pollen tube , derived from a haploid pollen grain that falls on the stigma of a flower and grows until it reaches and fertilizes the egg cell that lies in the flower 's ovary .
15 I was fascinated by a large , framed print on the wall , depicting a tragedy that occurred in the Mediterranean around the turn of the century .
16 There were others with stark walls that invited , with summit domes of brushed snow that gleamed in the sunshine ; others with fish-tail crests or long ribs topped with cornices to remind me of scenes from the Himalaya .
17 The ridge is quickly gained and on this peach of a day was absolutely magnificent , with the hills retaining sizeable patches of spring snow that sparkled in the hazy sunshine .
18 Conceptualizations of police work are therefore derived from and embedded in such phenomena as the day-to-day experience of police duties , which is itself contextually related to the sorts of crime that occur in the area in which the station is located , common-sense notions about policing contained in the occupational culture , and stereotypes of policing found in the wider culture .
19 FALLING interest rates could signal the end of the great rental boom that flourished in the unstable property market of the past few years .
20 I recall clearly the photograph of the pit-head that appeared in the newspaper next day ; but the impression etched indelibly into my four-year-old mind was the sight I beheld on the Sunday following .
21 It is the speaker 's intention and the addressee 's successful location of the intended referent that matter in the first usage , not the exact aptness of the description , so that we could call this usage speaker reference ( as opposed to semantic reference ; Donnellan , 1978 ; Kaplan , 1978 ) .
22 He stood quivering to the gradations of light that sang in the roof , and did not know what it was that moved him so , the hour , or the true beauty of the proportions and spaces about him , or the marvellous and frightening sense of having drawn so close to the spring of his own being .
23 The same clear light that rested in the woman 's long dark hair like a faintly-jewelled mist .
24 They estimated y ( the extra term that appears in the no-arbitrage condition of a geometric index discussed in Section 5.2.9 ) , using the returns for the most recent 20 days , and found the resulting estimate was reasonably stable over time at an annual rate of 5.77% .
25 Starting with the first military railway in the Crimea up to our globe trotting bakery that served in the Falklands conflict .
26 That 's the figure that appears in the quotation to the client .
27 ‘ I 've only been given a year 's contract , so the main priority will be to win all the matches , using essentially the same side that played in the World Cup .
28 The word formed in front of him in a cold blue flame that streamed in the wind .
29 In Stanley Park , there is a solitary rock that stands in the inlet , like a sentinel , a few feet off Prospect Point .
30 FlyPast had the honour of visiting the very busy 35 Squadron at D F Malan Airport ( Cape Town 's main airport ) and to fly with the general transport element on a formation training sortie that took in the Cape Town coast and the all-dominating vista of Table Mountain .
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