Example sentences of "[noun sg] for a [adj] term " in BNC.

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1 The unicameral People 's Assembly , which is elected by universal adult suffrage for a five-year term , nominates the President ( currently Mohammed Hosni Mubarak ) , who is confirmed by popular referendum for a six-year term .
2 The Assembly nominates the President who is confirmed by popular referendum for a six-year term .
3 Mr Brindle , a former chairman of the Auditing Practices Committee , joins the Board for a three-year term .
4 Andrés Bianchi ( deputy executive secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Latin America — ECLA ) was appointed president of the board for a two-year term .
5 President Bush had stated on Aug. 2 that only a health problem — which he stressed did not currently exist — would deter him from seeking re-election for a second term .
6 Whilst the process of jury selection was still under way , Barry made a television address on June 13 in which he announced that he would not stand for re-election for a fourth term in November 1990 , but would serve the remainder of his current four-year term , due to expire on Jan. 2 , 1991 .
7 At a rally in Madrid 's main bullring to celebrate the Spanish Socialist Workers ' Party ( PSOE ) 's 10 years in power , Prime Minister Felipe González Márquez confirmed on Oct. 25 that he would stand for re-election for a fourth term .
8 The head of state is the President of the Republic ( currently Konstantinos Karamanlis , who has largely ceremonial functions and is elected by Parliament for a five-year term .
9 Under the 1975 Constitution Greece , or the Hellenic Republic , is a parliamentary democracy with a President as head of state ( with , since 1986 , largely ceremonial functions ) who is elected by parliament for a five-year term .
10 Earlier , on Aug. 31 , 1989 , the non-executive President , Wee Kim Wee , had been unanimously re-elected by Parliament for a four-year term .
11 The prospects of the party improved somewhat with the adoption at the 1937 conference of an ‘ Immediate Programme ’ of nationalisation for a single term of office : this included all the major measures of the post-war Labour government except for iron and steel , which in any case was not to be fundamentally reorganised before the Labour government left office in 1951 .
12 Now that Essex Man has demonstrated his backing for one winning team , the Conservatives , the men of Essex will be keen to show that they , too , deserve the people 's support for a second term at the head of the Championship table .
13 On May 7 , 1989 , the Los Angeles city attorney , James K. Hahn , asked the Securities and Exchange Commission to review the stock transactions of Los Angeles mayor Tom Bradley , 71 , only weeks after Bradley 's election for a fifth term of office [ see p. 36583 ] .
14 Parliament elects a President for a four-year term ( the current President , Wee Kim Wee , having been re-elected for a second term in August 1989 — see below ) who appoints a Cabinet headed by a Prime Minister and responsible to Parliament .
15 President Hussein Mohammad Ershad has held effective political power since the military coup of March 1982 , and was elected by universal adult suffrage to the post of President for a five-year term in October 1986 ( see p. 34813 ) , having assumed that office in December 1983 .
16 It elects a 15-member presidium , which in turn elects a Chairman who serves as State President for a five-year term .
17 Following his election in December 1988 [ see p. 36423 ] Carlos Andrés Pérez was inaugurated as President for a five-year term on Feb. 2 , 1989 , in the presence of over 20 heads of state and government including the Cuban President , Fidel Castro , the then Nicaraguan President , Daniel Ortega Saavedra , and Felipe González , the Spanish Prime Minister , as well as the United States Vice-President , Dan Quayle .
18 Presidential elections held concurrently with congressional elections on May 1 , 1989 , returned Rodríguez as President for a five-year term [ see p. 36652 ] .
19 Walesa was sworn in as President for a five-year term on Dec. 22 .
20 The proposed constitution allowed for the election by universal suffrage of a president for a five-year term , renewable once only , and of a legislative assembly for a four-year term , and for the formation of a senate of 15 members , five from each main island , to be chosen by an electoral college for a term of six years .
21 The new Constitution created the post of vice-president , to be elected with the president for a five-year term by a simple majority of votes .
22 The incumbent President and former leader of the Slovene League of Communists , Milan Kucan , standing as an independent , was re-elected as President for a five-year term with 64 per cent of the vote .
23 Mr. Leonard Coote , the out-going Vice-President was elected President for a two-year term in succession to Mr. Andy Heffernan who had completed a two-year term .
24 Ahmed Abdallah Abderrahman , who had been re-elected President for a second term in September 1984 , was assassinated in November 1989 [ see pp. 37033-34 ] .
25 Gayoom was re-elected President for a third term in 1988 [ see p. 36350 ] .
26 In elections to the regional parliament of Catalonia on March 15 , Jordi Pujol Soley was returned as president for a fourth term .
27 In late 1987 he was elected President for a seven-year term .
28 There is an 82-member National Assembly elected by universal adult suffrage for a three-year term from a list of candidates drawn up by the party , based on local branch committee nominations .
29 There is an 82-member National Assembly elected by universal adult suffrage for a three-year term from a list of candidates drawn up by the party , based on local branch committee nominations .
30 The unicameral People 's Assembly , which is elected by universal adult suffrage for a five-year term , nominates the President ( currently Mohammed Hosni Mubarak ) , who is confirmed by popular referendum for a six-year term .
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