Example sentences of "[noun sg] i [modal v] [verb] my " in BNC.

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1 I woke up frightened at having my knife and pill-bottles in the tent in case I should end my life during my night 's sleep .
2 More tidy illustrations , and better handwriting I could underline my titles .
3 Then with luck I 'll see my dear wife before midnight . ’
4 During my inglorious years as a concert agent I used to reduce my clients to tears by stubbornly refusing to call them ‘ artistes ’ .
5 Once I 'm absolutely clear in my own mind I 'll put my plan to you — but here 's the encampment and unless I 'm mistaken that 's Boz coming out to meet us . ’
6 It was at this point that I left to seek medical help for fear I would split my sides .
7 He replies : It 's not the type of car I 'd want my wife to take to the shops .
8 When I was at college I used to bury my nose in a book rather than join one of the societies and almost rebuffed overtures , as I was so scared of not knowing what to talk about .
9 I drank all the booze I could lay my hands on .
10 And I tell you that you are Peter , and on this rock I will build my church , and the gates of Hades will not overcome it …
11 And I say this to you : You are Peter the Rock ; and on this rock I will build my church , and the powers of death shall never conquer it .
12 As in a great Jesse window , the ancestry of the pope could be portrayed descending from the apostle to whom Christ had said " Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church " .
13 Christ had entrusted the government of His Church to St Peter and his successors in the words , " Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church " ( Matthew 16 : 18 ) and " I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth , it shall be bound also in heaven " ( Matthew 16 : 19 ) .
14 ‘ If we had been sitting at the bottom I could accept my fate , but we are seventh and have lost only one of the last eight games . ’
15 ‘ If you 'll wash the lettuce I 'll make my special dressing and we could pick some wild sorrel and chop it in at the last minute . ’
16 Even without your help I 'd find my family , ’ she said in a low tone , ‘ and it would n't matter if I had to look up every Corosini in the phone book and knock on a hundred doors . ’
17 Come over to my place I 'll drop my trousers and we can have a quickie !
18 The only place I 'll hang my hat is Rome .
19 That the only place I 'll hang my mitre 's Rome .
20 From my second-floor vantage point I could see my classmates as they tumbled out into the quad playing catch with my shoes .
21 In this first article I will retrace my first steps to Rennes-le-Chateau and the beginning of the mystery .
22 Thoroughly annoyed me because I 'd er every year when I 'd paid my tax I 'd pay my er national insurance and as far I 'm concerned that should 've entitled me .
23 I was going to ask him for money , there 's a business I could buy my way into , an honest one this time , I 've checked it out .
24 From his own first forest I shall find my brother once again .
25 So great was my obsession that I used to wish that one day I would develop my own American accent .
26 One day I 'll make my mark ,
27 I feel wonderful inside and out , it has been the most productive period in ages , and one day I 'll need my sound nerves more than ever …
28 Well , he wo n't get away with it , one day I 'll have my revenge . ’
29 ‘ Go and tell that fox : ‘ I am driving out demons and performing cures today and tomorrow , and on the third day I shall finish my work ! ’
30 One day I will have my , own place , but not until I 've got some money behind me . "
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