Example sentences of "[noun sg] for his [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Rescuing beleaguered maidens had a certain passing reward , but most of the time he 'd finished up by setting them up in some city somewhere with a handsome dowry , because after a while even the most agreeable ex-maiden became possessive and had scant sympathy for his efforts to rescue her sister sufferers .
2 However a fellow gekko breeder wanted a male for his females to breed from .
3 Describing the DC as " a rotten apple with a healthy core " , he proposed chiefly to build on the existing cross-party support for his proposals to reform electoral law by referendum .
4 We have told the United Nations Secretary-General of our support for his efforts to resolve the problems in East Timor .
5 In late September L. K. Advani , the president of the Hindu-revivalist Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP ) , had begun a Rath Yatra , or religious pilgrimage , through India to mobilize Hindu support for his efforts to build a temple at Ayodhya on the site of the disused Babri Masjid mosque .
6 By the end of the 1920s , as the vogue for his books diminished , Machen encountered renewed financial hardship .
7 Every day the diary had to be filled ; an important day-to-day record of garden affairs was imperative for his writing and current Work for his publishers called for continued attention , because throughout his long life editions of the Dictionary and the Abridgement needed revision and extension .
8 And while his mother may have forgotten Dublin and his father , who had given his life to make it a better place for his children to live in , Patrick had not .
9 I felt queasy with fright for his teeth had been filed down as sharp as dagger points .
10 He heaved again at the floor plate and there was room for his feet to slide down towards the blurred stones between the sleepers .
11 His peak flow was 180 today and I have issued a peak flow meter for his parents to establish the best he can manage .
12 IT was the perfect chance for his customers to get their own back !
13 In the first place , he argues , farming is a risky business ( he compares it to ‘ road racing ’ ) and if the demand for his products dries up then it is just bad luck on the farmer and his dependants .
14 Paintings and drawings are presented in chronological order , which demonstrates Jordaens 's artistic development from good to indifferent , as heavy demand for his paintings led to more and more workshop involvement .
15 The 308D is not the fastest thing on the highway , but Harris has no wish for his drivers to go breaking any speed records .
16 Standing over him , she saw how very old he must be , with the skin of his face and neck pleated in heavy folds of wrinkles and his wild hair quite sparse and white , and only her respect for his years prevented her from shaking him .
17 Bedford dentist David Woolley has written an in-house leaflet for his patients to warn of the problems of halitosis .
18 This has made him a rather accommodating man for his ex-enemies to deal with .
19 A spokesman for his advisers alleged that ‘ certain analytical information was suppressed on the basis that it was not deemed relevant ’ .
20 A new chest of drawer for his things cost £75 .
21 There is air for his creatures to move about in .
22 The hare and the hatter also decide to put the poor little dormouse into the teapot , which is rather cruel because he did n't do anything to them and it is rather a strange thing for his companions to do .
23 CHRISTIE has time to raise his arms in triumph as he crosses the line for his 100-metres win — with clear daylight between him and the pack .
24 The salary paid to the collector by the county for his efforts to extract the cess from the taxpayers , moreover , was sufficient to stimulate competition for the post , and the attraction was enough on occasion to cause severe embarrassment to county politicians , who feared that support for one candidate would lead to the permanent alienation of his rivals and their friends .
25 Turning his head , he bawled over his shoulder for his companions to follow him , and was answered by muffled shouts from deeper in the woods .
26 Watts has the technique of being able to get the best out of a horse , whether he is a sprinter or a stayer , yet finding the optimum trip for his horses remains one of the most taxing problems .
27 Charles detected a tendency for his teeth to chatter and grew indignant the more he thought of this flagrant breach of the conventions .
29 The aircraft was just about to touch down when the pilot found himself in unfamiliar surroundings and opened his throttle in time for his wheels to clear the cliff-edge at the end of the runway .
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