Example sentences of "[noun sg] for [noun] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Now , after almost fifty years we look back and the rich variety of our doings in the years between fulfills the concept of university as a preparation for life rather than training for a specific walk of life .
2 A skilful negotiator will attempt to trade concession for concession so that ultimately an agreement which satisfies both parties is reached .
3 But what we argue is that all should have the right to put their case for asylum fairly and properly , and reasonably quickly . ’
4 We have had debates on the entrenchment of rights ; on federalism or regional devolution as against the unitary state ; on the case for consensus rather than majority as a basis for government , on the relative weight of national versus local mandates and the independence of local government , on the duty of civil servants ; on electoral reform with all its implications for the operations of government ; on who should define the national interest ; on open government and official secrecy ; on complementing representative democracy by referenda and other forms of participation — and much else .
5 er the next big area , again there 's another million pounds in total for special educational needs erm and provision for pupils so if you add up
6 Conservative budget for example even though its main press is always on keeping the tax level down er will often include capital projects .
7 But this was an excuse for confrontation rather than a cause .
8 Yeah I 've only got to go to the bank and got to pay something for Gary , I 've got to pay in a cheque for Gary again cos he 's ever so low again this year , this week , this month
9 Martin Luther King had a vision as personal and private as the sleeping child or the cross-legged meditator , but he turned it outward as a prayer for peace so that it became shared .
10 ‘ I like to do a bit for charity now and then . ’
11 The term ‘ new thinking ’ was in any case a ‘ general framework for policy rather than a detailed plan of action ’ .
12 We consider that tribunals should properly be regarded as machinery provided by Parliament for adjudication rather than as part of the machinery for administration .
13 Hence , the marketing function , the finance function or the establishment function provides a power base for individuals within and without those functions .
14 Several special science or craft clubs were organized in the lunch hour for girls only and in two schools teachers planned single-sex teaching .
15 The duty is phrased more positively in terms of support for families rather than diminishing the need to take children into care ; the duty is , though , owed to ‘ children in need ’ , defined in terms of disability , significant impairment of health or development , and failure to achieve or maintain a reasonable standard of health or development without the provision of services .
16 Lech Walesa dissolved the Polish parliament and called an election for September rather than accept the resignation of Hanna Suchocka 's government after a vote of no confidence .
17 It could underline their responsibility for health rather than supply and encourage them to view managed units as a rather than the supplier of services .
18 Well I do n't know as I d I d although to tell you the truth I 've always had a weakness for pictures ever since I was a boy .
19 It is well equipped , and warrior for warrior better than almost any other .
20 Might the hon. Member for Bolsover ( Mr. Skinner ) want more money for Derbyshire so that it can employ more people such as his brother , who is employed as a personnel liaison officer for Toyota , his sister-in-law , who is employed in the county publicity department — — and such as another sister-in-law , who is employed in the education department ?
21 It says it faces problems because it receives money for average rather than actual salaries .
22 None of these cases , however , involved the issue raised by Morgan , namely , whether a mistaken belief in consent can negative liability for rape even where the mistake is unreasonable .
23 ( 1 ) Whether , apart from arguments based on the right to freedom of expression , a non-trading corporation has a sufficient reputation to sustain an action for libel even though it can establish no actual financial loss .
24 The truth is , of course , that I 'm still presenting the programme for HTV more than twenty one years later .
25 A search for independence rather than dependence , for control over self rather than control by others ( autonomy ) .
26 Jeopardy was pleased , even to the point of suggesting they should perform the piece for Mandru together when the time came .
27 We think that pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV-positive patients should be considered a criterion for AIDS only if immunodepression is shown by a negative tuberculin skin test and/or low CD4/CD8 ratio .
28 My friend Kevin , muscleman and minicab driver , says the lads would be out rioting for Willy now if it was n't tipping down with rain the whole time .
29 ‘ He never once put his hand into his box all the years that I served him , ’ meaning he never gave me a gift of money , a bonus for service above and beyond the call of time .
30 He also stresses that the new female values encouraged marriage for love rather than for prudential considerations , and maintains that women 's increasing search for sexual fulfilment pushed up the general fertility rate of lower-class marriages in the nineteenth century .
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