Example sentences of "[noun sg] was make the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The result was to make the music an even poorer thing than the phenomenon itself , and to nullify the music 's mythopoeic power .
2 Cloaked with the panoply of democracy , hung about with the flag , the only result was to make the cause look grubbier and smaller .
3 If the original intention was to make the Greeks feel embarrassed at asking for their marbles back , the calls for their return may grow more strident if the laboratory folds up altogether .
4 Mr Nicholson said his intention was to make the pupils realise that he could not be shocked .
5 If an exchange had a rule that required members to state that every contract was intended to go to physical delivery , notwithstanding the fact that since the rule was made the exchange had introduced a number of cash-settled contracts ; this would almost certainly be subject to some sort of variation .
6 The effect was to make the UK the second largest net contributor to the budget in 1980 ( see Table 4.2 ) .
7 Colchester GP Nick Dixon said a continuing increase in daytime work was making the responsibility of being on duty at night more of a strain .
8 To walk the length of a great basilica from porch to apse was to make the journey of salvation and find oneself in ‘ a place of perfection , the heavenly Jerusalem , its walls and buildings made in heaven , transferred to this spot ’ .
9 Naturally most of the boys opted for ‘ the strip ’ and each time the innuendo was made the girls pretended it was terribly witty and original , If a little naughty , just as they did when they were asked for the twentieth time if perhaps they might be the prize .
10 Maternal deprivation was made the scapegoat for retarded development , anxiety and guilt feelings , promiscuity , instability and divorce — even for stunted growth .
11 Chidambaram said that the aim was to make the rupee convertible for trade purposes in three to five years .
12 The shallower water was making the waves a little steeper .
13 While local government was responsible for public health , and for the rudimentary planning , housing and hospital functions required to help achieve more sanitary urban areas , education was made the responsibility of separately elected school boards .
14 All Operational , Intelligence and Weapon Development policy was made the responsibility of the Central Staff , which encompassed but did not unify the Naval , General , and Air Staffs .
15 The Government 's objective was to make the industry more efficient , to bring it into the latter part of the 20th century and to make it possible for British mines to produce competitively .
16 If one accepts the story of Molla Yegan 's bringing Molla Gurani to the Ottoman court-and there seems no reason not to-then on the basis of what appears to be the fairly firm evidence for this part of Molla Gurani 's career , Molla Yegan 's return from his journey can not be dated earlier than 845/1441–2 ; and on the reasonable assumption that the purpose of Molla Yegan 's journey was to make the pilgrimage , it seems entirely likely that it was in the year 844/1440–1 , the same year that Molla Gurani made his abortive pilgrimage , that Molla Yegan also performed the hajj and that the two met somewhere after that pilgrimage , though clear information about the actual time and place of their meeting is entirely lacking .
17 The Executive resolved that the Transport Workers ' Federation should be informed that a national strike " would be detrimental to all concerned " , but that if such a call was made the union would hold a ballot before striking .
18 When knitting your samples did you notice that although the back bed was making the pattern , the design actually shows on the work facing you as it comes down between the beds ?
19 In the Commons tonight , Jacques Arnold , Conservative MP for Gravesham , through whose constituency the line will run , said the Government had wanted to make a statement about the route on Wednesday but decided not to after Labour threatened to withdraw all cooperation if the statement was made the day after the Budget .
20 The judge erred in law in holding that in mortgage proceedings if a mortgagee failed to seek an order for costs then the mortgagor could apply for the costs to be taxed on an appropriate basis ; if no order was made the mortgagor could require that the costs of the mortgage proceedings be referred by the master taking the account to the taxing master for taxation pursuant to R.S.C. , Ord. 62 , r. 24 ; ( 3 ) that a provision in the mortgage deed providing expressly or by implication the basis on which costs were to be taxed was not then binding on the court and the judge also erred when he held that in mortgage proceedings a provision entitling the mortgagee to an indemnity against all costs , charges and expenses was void so far as it purports to exclude the jurisdiction of the court under section 51 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 .
21 The idea was to make the farm buildings look good enough not to have to screen them .
22 For example , much of the foregoing discussion was making the point that soil erosion was important to many small producers in steep-sloped and/or semi-arid areas and it may have seemed that these people were the only ones to cause and suffer from the effects of soil erosion ; also that there were few or no cases where successful adaptations and advances in agricultural technology had occurred .
23 Moslem reports of a fierce Serb assault on Cerska have dominated the Bosnian war since the settlement was made the target of Monday 's maiden aid airdrops to eastern Bosnia by the United States .
24 The working party 's principal objective in introducing this provision was to make the refunds which the parties have to pay each other subsequent to a finding of nullity of the contract subject to the applicable law .
25 The heat was making the tar bubble up between the stone flags .
26 The only change made to the design in the intervening time was making the device surface mount rather than CPGA , LSI said , a factor that contributes to its cost-effectiveness .
27 In debates over the Labour party 's policy review in 1989 , Mr Kinnock countered complaints from his left wing that he was propping up capitalism with the claim that Labour 's task was to make the market work more efficiently and justly .
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