Example sentences of "[noun sg] was made to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Between 1963 and 1974 an attempt was made to measure the abundance and distribution of the common and widespread birds breeding in Sussex woodlands by a series of sample censuses .
2 The patients were monitored for any streptococcal infections during sampling , but no attempt was made to measure the amount of streptokinase absorbed .
3 It was only as these were run down that recourse was made to mining .
4 A proposal was made to United States President Bush for a meeting to discuss the problem of drug production and trafficking , to be attended by representatives of the five Andean Pact countries .
5 Reference was made to Annex F of the Guidance to Chief Officers on Police Complaints and Discipline Procedures promulgated by the Home Office ( 1985 ed . ) .
6 Thirdly , " reference was made to ARMY GROUP E and to General LOEHR " .
7 Portugal had initially threatened to block the release of a joint communiqué unless specific reference was made to East Timor .
8 Reference was made to Gloag on Contract ( 2nd edn ) , pp 617 and 618 , which respectively state : ‘ Stipulations as to time of payment are not treated as material conditions of the contract , except in very special cases ’ , and , ‘ [ The ] question is whether the conduct of the party in default is such as to indicate that he intends to repudiate his contractual obligations . ’
9 Reference was made to Collard v Carswell ( 1893 ) 20 R ( HL ) 47 , Lord Chancellor Herschell , at p 48 , and to Forslind v Bechely-Crundall , 1922 SC ( HL ) 173 , 1922 SLT 496 , in which Lord Shaw of Dunfermline , at p 509 , said : ‘ The accent of the psychology is not upon the mind of the person who is defiant or heedless of his obligations , but , as Lord Herschell put it , upon the mind of the person who is suffering from the defiance . ’
10 Later , at p. 289 , he mentioned that in Lord Roskill 's speech in Morris no reference was made to Viscount Dilhorne 's ruling in Lawrence that appropriation might occur even though the owner has permitted or consented to the property being taken , and continued :
11 Reference was made to Hector v. Attorney-General for Antigua and Barbuda [ 1990 ] 2 A.C. 312 where the constitutional validity of a statutory provision creating a criminal offence was in issue .
12 The next day an announcement was made to staff .
13 This same point was made to Nicodemus who came to consult with Jesus cautiously and privately under cover of darkness .
14 Irony seldom works in print and this blunt appraisal of the troubles that had beset his friend was made to Nancy Collins and published in Rolling Stone some fifteen years after the Tate murders at Polanski 's rented home in Beverly Hills in August 1969 .
15 A floral presentation was made to Mrs Chris Malone , one of the authors of Here I Am .
16 The whole gathering repaired to the gymnasium for the business meeting and during the afternoon a presentation was made to Janet Rogers , the retiring Honorary Treasurer and the Chairman introduced both the new Vice-Chairman , Pauline Kenward and the new Honorary Treasurer , Joan Daniels .
17 Such a request was made to Thomas Dundas by four of the councillors of Dunfermline who pressed him to use his interest with Lord Sandwich to get Midshipman Ebenezer Fish serving on board the Warwick a place as a lieutenant of marines , since the marine officers were not required to have the years of sea-service demanded of naval lieutenants .
18 She said a complaint over the policy was made to Local Government Ombudsman , who found in favour of the council .
19 The sequence was made to measure for Gerhardt who , in Heaton 's phrase , was ‘ built like a tank ’ .
20 A similar call was made to General de Bazelaire , now commanding units on the Left Bank .
21 An approach was made to St Augustine 's and an assessment panel was held to consider Tony 's enrolment in the school .
22 It was not felt appropriate to raise this as a direct question to the authorities so an application was made to Namibia for an amateur radio licence for a Dxpedition to the Penguins .
23 Application was made to Mr Atkinson , the Agent of the Baroness von Steiglitz of Carrickblacker .
24 There was no flak or fighters and it was an easy trip , but on the return a diversion was made to Lyneham in Wiltshire , the crew and Sugar returning to base the following day , this flight lasting 45 minutes .
25 A positive contribution was made to SFA ‘ 92 .
26 It was reported as working satisfactorily in October 1900 and it must have remained so , for the final payment was made to Messrs. Gwynnes in February 1901.2 ; There are but two further important references in the Committee Minutes before the closure of the lift nine years later .
27 By 1990 the museum 's concentration on twentieth-century art had made it an anomaly in the collection and the decision was made to deaccession the picture , valued at $10 million .
28 ‘ Mum was initially cooperative … and Mr Peel was likewise ‘ quite cooperative ’ ’ until the decision was made to Statement … after that he opted out and did n't contact me . ’
29 The controversy was so deep that an appeal was made to Rome by the combatants .
30 A further unsuccessful appeal was made to WEA branches in the District in an attempt to secure Pateman 's salary for future years and the existing arrears for Pateman were cleared only through the negotiation of a bank overdraft .
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