Example sentences of "[noun sg] was of [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Her only consciousness was of the pulsing energy washing over her , picking her up , carrying her along whether she willed it or not , his body pulsing against her own with its blatant male need , and she felt helpless against it .
2 The significance of this event was not so much that it was government interfering in artistic freedom , as liberal would-be martyrs would have it , but that it showed how frightened the President was of the populist , anti-intellectual feeling which has developed in the US over the last few years .
3 For instance , a study of the dies used for the bronze coinage of Antoninus Pius ( AD 138–61 ) circulating in Britain has suggested that the total stock of bronze coinage in circulation was of the general magnitude of about ten million sestertii ; as the population of the province was about five million at the time , we can conclude from the low figure of two sestertii per capita that most of the population can not have used coinage on anything like the scale required in a fully monetised society ( see also p. 51 ) .
4 Her mind was of an imaginative and spiritual bent , and from the 1930s until her death she was an ardent Christian Scientist .
5 The photograph was of a cheery Sir Cyril 's head & shoulders .
6 The only photograph was of an elderly couple on top of the television , grey-haired and sporting smiles of false teeth .
7 Walker , a former employee of the ARC , said the council 's research was of a high standard but said ‘ as a ratepayer one would be worried that such standards of excellence would be properly managed by the ARC . ’
8 British scientific research was of a high calibre .
9 The strongest image I got from his stories and subsequent research was of the oppressive jungle and heat in which the soldiers fought .
10 Talk was of a minor disciplinary measure by management that might lead to industrial action .
11 At suppertime in the servants ’ hall all the talk was of the coming party .
12 This vote was of the utmost significance .
13 The tape was of an English band , given to her by Vasili for her last birthday , which had become her most cherished possession .
14 The general effect was of a tropical jungle , made somehow rich and sinfully luxurious .
15 The general effect was of a diluted Marius Steen , ineffectual and slightly afraid .
16 The mass effect was of a light but most brilliant ultramarine .
17 Her dark green dress with a flounced skirt was of a pleasant and conventional kind , such as respectable young women wore .
18 The drawing was of an infuriated male elephant about the charge a little mahout or elephant driver .
19 The course the strike followed in the village was of an initial passive consensus led by activists , which with the onset of local strikebreaking ( Sept 1984 ) became transformed into an active consensus with widespread mobilisation .
20 However , in almost all cases the off-farm work was of a seasonal nature , lasting no more than 6 to 8 weeks .
21 Her work was of a sensitive nature . ’
22 Management had ‘ failed abysmally to ensure work was of the proper standard ’ .
23 The first recording session was of The Fair Field , Arnold 's commission to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the famous Fairfield Hall , Croydon in 1973 .
24 The view from its ground-floor window was of an empty reach of the car park .
25 The plot was of the familiar war-patrol variety .
26 Both Saudi Arabia and Kuwait , like Jordan , provided port facilities but their principal help was of a different kind .
27 The bishops , conceiving of themselves as a body supported by the Holy Spirit in their proclamation of morality and seeing themselves as following the equally and divinely guided line laid down by Pope John-Paul II , were assuming that the opposition to state legislation permitting divorce was of a similar standing and status to the Christian belief that Christian marriage was forever .
28 The ceiling was of the suspended kind , a lightweight grid of porous tiles with an airflow space above .
29 A few girls were dancing together as they did at the youth club hops and the dancing was of the proper ‘ ballroom variety ’ — waltzes , quicksteps and foxtrots .
30 For instance , the newspaper had said the skeleton in the cemetery at Wyvis Hall was of a young woman between 18 and 21 years old .
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