Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [vb pp] down over " in BNC.

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1 A tiny creature who was muffled in a tunic with the collar upturned and with a scarf across her mouth and a forage cap whose peak was pulled down over her eyes .
2 politically , too , despite tensions over Berlin and the building of the Berlin Wall in 1961 , the furore over the U2 incident when an American reconnaissance plane was shot down over the Soviet Union , and the shock of the Soviet lead in space exploration and technology , tensions between the two superpowers had not returned to the glacial levels of a decade earlier .
3 An American U2 reconnaissance plane was shot down over Russia and its pilot , Gary Powers , captured .
4 An Iranian airliner was shot down over the Gulf by a missile from a US cruiser in 1988 , killing 290 people .
5 A chauffeur 's peaked cap was pulled down over his high forehead .
6 The young , broad-shouldered man had the collar of his tattered grey overcoat pulled up around his ears and his cap was drawn down over his forehead .
7 His Hurricane was shot down over Kent during the Battle of
8 Pain was pulled down over his eyes like a fool 's hat .
9 He was wearing his big black coat and heavy boots , and his hat was pulled down over his ears .
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