Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [vb pp] through [art] " in BNC.

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1 By many Christian Aid was seen through a glass darkly as just one of the charities helping to relieve the ‘ problems ’ of the Third World .
2 This labour force was regimented through a succession of intermediaries — bailiffs on the largest farms , foremen and charge-hands elsewhere — in order to co-ordinate the frenetic periods of often complex and arduous activity , such as seed-time and harvest .
3 This seems to have been the extent of the later celebrations , for in 1862 the Mercury reported that no plough was drawn through the streets as was common in the festival .
4 When this latter batch was modernised in 1936 , a centre gangway was cut through the benches to make life easier for the conductor .
5 In an additional group of subjects ( n=4 ) , the endoscope was passed through the ileocaecal valve into the terminal ileum for perfusion of oleic acid ( 24% ) .
6 Many biologists , and in particular the American Llyn Margulis , suggest that the first eukaryotic cell was formed through a symbiotic association of different prokaryotes ; by a coming-together of bacteria .
7 The research was conducted through the collection of data at the conclusion of an investigation or once a referral had been dealt with and closed via other action .
8 Briefly , the study was conducted through a series of group discussions with unskilled workers in three areas in England .
9 A DRIVER whose car was towed through a red light was amazed to receive a £40 fine .
10 At the end of the procedure , a Foley catheter was introduced through the Amplatz sheath and placed on free drainage .
11 When Scotland was under the management of a powerful politician , such as the Earl of Ilay or Henry Dundas , almost all worthwhile patronage was channelled through the manager 's hands .
12 A fine needle on a syringe was introduced through the cyst wall , and air under pressure pushed the syringe barrel outwards .
13 A shotgun was fired through a close into a door and two men were injured .
14 Well , the gravestone certainly stands by the porch and it does have a hole drilled through it , said to have been where the iron stake was hammered through the stone into the coffin , but I 'm afraid that I agree with the general consensus voiced around the bar of the Sun Inn and the George and Dragon that George Hodgson was guilty of nothing but old age , that the only thing he sucked were his gums , and that the hole in the stone was made for a railing or gatepost .
15 The bitterness and confusion over delimitation , which had led to the drafting of a bill in 1911 outlining the two distinct districts , ‘ Champagne ’ and ‘ Champagne Deuxième Zone ’ , was still unsolved and an amended law was passed through the new government in 1919 .
16 But , like Symons ' case-studies , the male gaze was eroticized through the cultural distance between observer and observed , exemplified in Munby 's fascination with the emblems of Hannah 's working class physiognomy .
17 Our coach was escorted through the traffic by a score of motor-cycle policemen : and we caught our train . ’
18 Whose big white bottom was observed through a keyhole , going up and down ?
19 A passage was cleared through the crowd like magic , and although they were all kindly men , a great shout of irrepressible laughter went up as I fled .
20 This could easily occur if the spur was taken through a wall to feed a socket in an adjacent room .
21 But the financial incentive for the Cameroon government to exploit its huge timber reserve remained ( see BBC WILDLIFE , November 1990 ) , and so new funding for the highway was sought through the African Development Bank ( AfDB ) .
22 Wide publicity for the Society 's campaign was gained through the Westminster lobby and the efforts of regional public relations officers .
23 The child was observed through a one-way screen to see whether he or she would resist or give in to temptation ( i.e. pick up the more attractive , but forbidden , toy ) .
24 A telephone was hoisted through the bedroom window to enable the police to maintain contact and meet requests for food and cigarettes .
25 The inescapable subservience of the female is ratified even when she is not manoeuvred as an object of adoration or spite : But the effect of this fifteenth-century carol in providing a reminder that the Incarnation was realised through a woman , is to put a warning shot across the bows of those who exploit the daughters of Eve .
26 The team was put through a daily fitness programme , starting with a 40 minute run before breakfast and finishing at the nearby police gym where they took in circuit and weight training before going on another one-and-a half mile run .
27 It unnerved Lorton , as he had been unnerved as a boy to hear the priest say that bread and wine was changed through the magic of the mass into flesh and blood .
28 A grenade was thrown through a bedroom window at a Sinn Fein member 's house in Belfast and the homes of two SDLP councillors were firebombed in Banbridge .
29 Belfast Sinn Fein councillor Joe Austin was with his brother-in-law and four children when a grenade was thrown through the front bedroom window of his home in Falls Road .
30 A stun grenade was hurled through the window on the left and landed in the middle of the room .
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