Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [vb pp] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This is indeed what happened although he held the office for over a year until the seat was found for him in 1877 .
2 An emollient reply was drafted for me to send back .
3 A LIVERPOOL pub landlady was found murdered this afternoon and an immediate search was launched for her missing baby .
4 With Minton 's help he obtained work at the Royal College as an artist 's model until he decided to return home where his future was secured for him through marriage and the management of a pub .
5 I was led to believe that your programme was noted for its in-depth research of the facts .
6 The opening ceremony was managed for us by Cosmo PR in Tokyo and a specially selected audience of 120 people came to the event including around 70 customers from the four business areas represented at KITEC .
7 The first squad car was used for its radio .
8 In other words , contemporaries viewed bribery as a bargain in which a vote was exchanged for something tangible at a time of election , but quite apart from the general distaste for such transactions , there was insufficient patronage available to permit its lavish use , and there was certainly never enough money .
9 On their births a trust a fund of tens of thousands of pound was started for them in their names by their grandmother .
10 Mainly New Zealand wool was used for which just enough foreign currency was released to buy the minimum immediate requirement .
11 Drink this in remembrance that Christ 's blood was shed for thee and be thankful . ’
12 But that Thy Blood was shed for me ,
13 A mystic and religious leader of the Oglala people in the late nineteenth century , Crazy Horse was revered for his military prowess and for his honesty .
14 My grandmother was taken ill with a burst ulcer and an ambulance was called for her at 10.45 , but it did not arrive for two and a half hours .
15 This scene was criticised for its accusation of sadism by the Viet Cong in a form which was unsupported by any evidence .
16 We lost five chaps in about a fortnight ; and the work was left for us grandsons , the boys , to do .
17 The Emperor 's armour was made for him by Dwarf smiths and incorporates some of the actual armour worn by Magnus the Pious at the battle of Kislev .
18 So Rachel at six years and Margaret at five years were left in England after our second furlough , and generous help was provided for them by the organiser of a preparatory school .
19 IN the recent World Cup , in changing the rules concerning the weather-affected matches , a system which unjustly penalises the side batting second was substituted for one which was usually disadvantageous to the side batting first .
20 By the summer , after a trial period , he was doing well , and the necessary clothing was provided for him by the Union .
21 His lengthened features were expressionless , but just for a moment Rostov imagined that the bow was intended for him , and not for the Altun .
22 Lt Col Stewart 's DSO was awarded for his ‘ inspired command ’ of the Cheshires during their hazardous tour , a position which often placed his own life in danger .
23 Lt Col Stewart 's DSO was awarded for his inspired command of the Cheshires during their hazardous tour a position which often placed his own life in danger .
24 But even this sad circumstance was overshadowed for me by political events of the week .
25 That question was decided for her in a most terrible way .
26 I suspected the question was meant for my amusement rather than for his own enlightenment .
27 A researcher sent to report back to the Jane Goodall Institute kept hearing of captive chimps under sentence of death unless a place was found for them .
28 At Conques she stayed , and a beautiful shrine was made for her which still survives .
29 A part time post was created for me at a busy hospital 40 miles from home , and the arrangement worked very well .
30 In the end , a post was found for him in 1844 as palaeontologist with the Geological Survey , with a salary of 300 per year ; and on the strength of this in 1848 he married .
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