Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 It even had a 1940 's bakelite telephone which seemed to work , but the typewriter was state of the art and so , probably , was the young lady behind it .
2 Recruitment was mainly in Israel , but the Brigade was part of the British Army and was stationed in Italy , Holland and Western Germany .
3 The introduction of the card was part of the evolutionary process which has begun in 1850 when Wells and Fargo merged to form a company which transported valuables across America by Express delivery — thus American Express .
4 Previously , the Constitution dictated that the President was head of the army .
5 The President was C.-in-C. of the armed forces ; he was empowered to appoint the government and in exceptional circumstances to dissolve the People 's Assembly or to declare war or a state of emergency .
6 These concerns were reflected in memos like this , Gordon head of the state lottery finance department was part of the team charged with evaluating G Tec 's bid , he warned on November the third last year .
7 Eating was part of the serious business of training your body and keeping it fit .
8 I told myself that my intention was maintenance of the status quo , but this was at best a half-truth .
9 We explained that we had not realized their boat was part of the Coast Guard and that we had not heard them aright in their orders to stop .
10 With Swoon 's poised black-and-white images , which blend low-budget experiment , MTV edits and archive footage , they take that myth apart with remarkable assurance , pointing out the effects of sexual intolerance and the way Leopold and Loeb were scapegoated , but also showing how the crime was part of the sexual power play of their relationship .
11 The statement by the Bègles coach Yves Appriou , prior to the game , that violence was part of the process of rebuilding a side , sent a shiver down the spine of the rugby community .
12 And , because all this capability was part of the Macintosh operating system it was available to any software developer so almost every package that appears for the system works the same way .
13 For over a century , the Gloucestershire Old Spot pig was queen of the sty across the West Country .
14 They also stressed the difference between adoption and fostering , not seen as simply one of length of placement : often the aim of fostering was restoration of the child to the natural family , or at least the maintenance of contact with it .
15 To start at the very beginning , as Pamela Hine did , the game or sport of halma was part of the ancient Greek pentathlon .
16 Blood was part of the job , like spilled paint to a house-painter .
17 The German theologian Rudolf Bultmann ( 1884–1976 ) believed that we need to demythologise the New Testament because demonism was part of the cultural world-view of first-century Palestine that we must reject in order to discover authentic faith ( Bultmann 1953:5 ) .
18 The Diploma in Industrial Administration was part of the first batch of national developments and was completed in the Summer of 1989 .
19 This impressive series of statutes may owe something to the influence of Justinian 's Code and Digest , which was the core of Roman law and the foundation of the training of civil lawyers ; yet while Roman law was part of the atmosphere breathed by nearly all lawyers in the thirteenth century , and at least one outstanding civil lawyer , Vacarius , was familiar to Englishmen , the statutes on the whole betray little impress of Justinian , concerned as they were largely with the clarification of traditional indigenous and feudal problems .
20 His new wife was Beatrice of Burgundy , and the marriage was part of the complex Second Plan to strengthen imperial power .
21 Which Tory was editor of the Spectator from 1954–1959 ?
22 For Eastern chic was flavour of the moment with others ( Amanda Wakeley , Bella Freud , Red Or Dead ) , and lots of people are doing Nehru collars .
23 At that time , a man who persuaded himself ‘ in the passion of a moment ’ that No meant Yes , or who believed that women who said ‘ No ’ never meant it , would have escaped liability even where recklessness was part of the mens rea of rape .
24 Last year the proposal was part of the overall tax bill which was vetoed by former President Bush .
25 a proposed meeting between officers of the Board and the LEA was cancelled as the county council had no clear policy over adult educational provision and the only result of the proposal was confirmation of the LEA 's existing policy of specific grant-aid .
26 The army 's deployment in the south was part of the government 's attempts to reassert control over the country under the terms of the Arab League-sponsored Taif peace accords [ see pp. 36986 ; 37928 ] .
27 The plan was part of the general peace formula worked out by Lebanese leaders and the Arab League in Taif in 1989 .
28 This was because a degree was part of the training of a gentleman , and not a technical qualification ; the scientist was as well-educated , though in a different line , as the classicist .
29 Sir Andrew Derbyshire , who as a young architect with Sheffield City Council was part of the steering committee 30 years ago , has agreed to serve again , and the chairman will be Frank Duffy of DEGW , who is now the RIBA 's Vice-President for Marketing .
30 Sometimes he thought that her simplistic morality was part of the reason why he loved her .
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