Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A feature of early denudation chronology was that it tended to concentrate upon particular areas and that the record deduced for those areas tended to exercise an unduly significant influence upon the way in which new areas were interpreted .
2 The allegation was that she did not do enough to help her , and over a period of time this had made the carer extremely angry , and at the same time made their mother dissatisfied about the care she was receiving .
3 The result was that what had been a small-sized cheap labour force became a large well-paid labour force .
4 For professional development teachers the result was that they had only been able to learn through personal experience and had thus done so more slowly than was necessary :
5 One obvious result was that they became more self-conscious and defensive , aware of the dangers of making mistakes .
6 The sole result was that they brought back a hatred of all Europeans , except the Germans , whose courage they admired .
7 The result was that they received both a big two-year increase and a pay review body which has since been responsible for a further substantial increase in their salaries .
8 The result was that it had been increased only twice and now stood at the princely sum of £30 .
9 For many years I have experience severe rain leakage through the canvas tilt on my Series III.1 once made the mistake of coating another vehicle 's tilt with polyurethane paint but the result was that it hung in tatters within a year as it became brittle .
10 Rain thought she was trying for a dramatic effect , but she was a poor actress and the result was that she looked petulant .
11 There was no attempt to persuade and the result was that I blew up .
12 The result was that I chaired a session and I got Pam Mills from the BBC to speak at it and everyone agreed it was one of the best sessions of the conference .
13 The result was that he left my flat in a fuming temper , very gruff but very sober , and the broadcast was , I was given to understand , of consummate skill and effectiveness .
14 Nobody had said what Marcus should do : the result was that he appeared to do little or nothing , spoke minimally and was increasingly reluctant to leave his bedroom or the house .
15 ‘ We did not even know what a computer-controlled lathe was before we started , ’ she said .
16 My reply was that I doubted if any such plan had a remote chance of success , and that I would want to be assured of the truthfulness and authenticity of the document he was planning to send me .
17 ‘ When I told him , his reply was that he thought I had liked going there , and he burst out with , ‘ Thank goodness you told me .
18 The architects asked Hall about judges , and his reply was that he intended to hold a public exhibition of the designs before deciding whom to appoint .
19 But the irony was that she had lost Luke already .
20 And the irony was that he had been shocked when she had handed him back his ring .
21 The saving grace of Ockleton 's cloistered and analytical mind was that he had no use for deception .
22 The thought uppermost in my mind was that I had always wondered how young horses felt when I knocked wolf teeth out of them .
23 Well what really set my mind was when I lost my sister and my brother .
24 The only reason he 'd changed his mind was because he 'd received advance notification that there would be a choice morsel on offer that day — a boy named Garimel .
25 As trite as it sounds , I had forgotten what greenness was until I saw those palms .
26 To Marquand , MacDonald 's real fault was that he held on to his nineteenth-century principles for too long .
27 The conclusions of one other major research was that it had substantial social implication of personal family in community lives so these papers were discussed in great detail .
28 Tom Tedder 's tragedy was that he had a perfectly accurate estimate of his own talents as an artist .
29 When I 'd asked Chola what the ceremony was for she 'd said she did n't know : they 'd always done it .
30 Erm the point about the regional census study was that it did a reasonably good job of analyzing the present situation , but not a very good job of the projections .
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