Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [adj] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Rotation was continued until the gall bladder was clear on fluoroscopy and no impacts had been felt for five minutes .
2 In the US during the 1970s , the cultural climate in economic thinking was soft on inflation , and the Fed did not tackle it as a result , even though it had the power to do so .
3 A fleet of 80 ships was assembled at Brest under de Tourville , who was to be joined off Ushant by others sailing from Rochefort and Toulon , but in the event neither force was ready on time and when de Tourville sailed on 2 May he had only 37 ships , excluding fireships , under his command , though seven more arrived later .
4 The reason why absenteeism was non-existent on Thursdays was not just because it happened to be pay day .
5 Frankfurt : Turnover was moderate on expectation of higher interest rates .
6 Turning to indirect discrimination under section l(l) ( b ) of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 the Industrial Tribunal had applied the defence that the condition was justifiable on account of the reasonable needs of the employer 's business using the test formulated by Eveleigh LJ in Ojutiku and Obuzuni v Manpower Services Commission [ 1982 ] ICR 661 .
7 Sigmoid was keener on alternatives than his son Herbert .
8 No plenty of bloody but no or see he forgot to go up and help was busy on Boxing Day they wo n't pay , they give them a free ticket to get in .
9 As Perrin ( 1988 ) points out , improved accountability was dependent on managers having financial skills , and the creation of effective decentralised structures with staff ( especially clinicians ) able to understand budgetary information .
10 The section mainly at issue was that on collegiality .
11 Their debut album , Club Classics , Volume I , was a massive hit both here and in America and , while the follow-up was short on ideas and melodies , Volume III is a return to form .
12 They look camp as a row of tents , in their traditional uniform of gold lame , but that 's what they wear : nobody ever said their boss was high on fashion sense .
13 The wine was sticky on Rab 's fingers , tackety stuff : but it wormed a treat his head .
14 Mr Brady made clear American concern over the crisis , implying that the West 's £15 billion aid package was conditional on Mr Gaidar being allowed to continue unimpeded .
15 The great depression of the 1930s during which unemployment never fell below nine per cent and at one point exceeded twenty-two per cent , meant that a large section of the population was dependent on insurance and assistance benefits .
16 My husband was mad on golf , and he used to go down into the park and send golf balls onto the lawn and then walk back through the rose garden which I put in the wrong place .
17 A friend 's husband was mad on vintage cars , so she trailed round to every rally with him .
18 Need has been variously defined , but in this study needs were deemed to be unmet if interventions were acceptable to the client and the following applied : ( a ) for activities of daily living a person was dependent on help from the carer and this dependence could be reversed by provision of an aid ; ( b ) for communication disorders there had not been an assessment by a speech therapist ; ( c ) for services ( day care , respite care ) a referral had not been made to the appropriate agency and subsequent referral proved successful ; and ( d ) for benefits the client or carer was unaware of eligibility for benefits , an application had not been made , and subsequent application was successful .
19 The " new unionism " as preached by the leaders of the London dock strike was strong on rhetoric but weak on appreciation of the facts .
20 The soufflé was hard on top and quite runny underneath , but they said it was delicious .
21 The reading was well attended by the students , but the occasion was short on material comforts .
22 Further , no instruction was possible on racehorses , hunters or hackneys , or on stud practice .
23 On the other hand , they did have Willis , whose father was keen on swimming , and influential , and who had a fair chance in the 100 yards freestyle .
24 the sales brochure would normally be available for the day that this , the show flat was open on site , er
25 Access was dependent on parents receiving the information and encouragement to apply , experiencing the organiser and staff of the centre as welcoming and willing to learn about and accommodate the child 's needs .
26 Verplank was 17th on Tour on greens he hit in regulation — which was n't a lot .
27 The hiss was clear on MW and LW while the calculator was within a few feet of the set , but not on FM .
28 It can not then be that a man was present on earth before a woman , and the woman formed from him .
29 The findings from the sentence completion study seem to support this argument , in that performance was better on item ( 1 ) than on item ( 2 ) , and performance on item ( 2 ) was better than on ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) .
30 It soon emerged that performance was high on Ashton 's list of priorities as indicated by his having taken a series of lessons in Formula Fords at Brand 's Hatch .
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