Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A superficial cancer of the bladder was detected during transrectal ultrasonography of the prostate and a caecal cancer was found on barium enema examination in a patient with iron deficiency anaemia .
2 For instance access to the gall bladder was lost in one patient , a well described problem and the absence of a safety guide wire meant that greater care with the track had to be exercised .
3 It is suggestive , for example , that in Copernicus 's native Poland , a sun-centered cosmology was taught in Protestant schools many years before it was taught to Catholics .
4 It had also been studied in America , with the result that the cylindrical wheel was recommended for high speed work .
5 There was a central spindle on the tyring platform , and the wheel was put over this and clamped down so that it would n't spring .
6 After an intermediate five-book stage , The Prelude was completed in 1805 in thirteen books , including the addition of the first 271 lines at the beginning of Book i .
7 Improvement by at least one histological grade in the rectal biopsy was seen in 16 of 32 who used 5-ASA and 14 of 31 given bismuth ( χ 2 0.15 ; p=0.70 ) .
8 The first adult diagnosis by biopsy was made in 1958 .
9 After that , a & F catheter was introduced in the hepatic vein and a preshaped liver biopsy needle ( Ignenor Medical , Paris , France ) was slipped into the catheter and the transjugular liver biopsy was obtained in each patient using the standard technique .
10 During routine upper gastrointestinal endoscopy one biopsy was taken for hostological examination from the antral mucosa 2 cm from the pylorus and one from the first part of the duodenum on the opposite wall to the area of ulceration .
11 When a repeat biopsy was taken in these patients it did not affect management and this practice , which has often been followed just to satisfy some definitions of coeliac disease , should be reviewed .
12 After fixation , each biopsy was divided into two halves .
13 In total , 34 biopsy specimens were obtained from controls and 10 from familial adenomatous polyposis patients , and each biopsy was divided into several explants ( between six and 15 ) .
14 What he did not , of course , add was that he intended to exacerbate that instability by every means in his power while making certain that external isolation was added to internal dysfunction .
15 William could see darker shadows moving on the garbage heaps and he knew these were rats and that the garbage was composed of rotting corpses and the rats were eating them , gorging on the swollen , putrefying bodies of the plague victims .
16 The auction was launched by eleven works of recent art consigned by Raymond Learsy , eight of which found buyers .
17 The Tibetan was talking in loud self-congratulatory tones about the religious statues and paintings that he 'd smuggled across the border and sold in India ; how time and again he 'd outwitted the border police , with silver , musk and contraband of every sort .
18 Political feasibility was adduced as one of the pluses of the moderate scheme of family tax reform .
19 According to Dexter , ‘ much time was spent on a detailed review of the Old Trafford Test and disappointment was expressed at some elements of England 's performance .
20 There is a school of thought that claims that the ghetto was cleared for commercial rather than health reasons .
21 The British Tinnitus Association was formed on 9 July 1979 .
22 The European Free Trade Association was formed in 1959 , by Britain , Switzerland , Austria , Portugal and the Scandinavian Countries , but it was not to prove a substitute for the E.E.C .
23 The Red Pied Swedish ( RSB ) had originated in the late nineteenth century from the use of Ayrshire and Shorthorn bulls from Britain on local Herrgård and Småland cows ; Ayrshires had been imported from Scotland from 1847 to 1907 and a Swedish Ayrshire cattle association was formed in 1899 .
24 Cricketers were no longer even financially privileged workers and there was no representative body to fight for them until the Cricketers ' Association was formed in 1968 .
25 Unlike the IPR which has individual members , the Public Relations Consultants Association was formed in 1969 as a trade organization with the objective of promoting the growth of business of its members and that of public relations consultancy practices .
26 The association was resuscitated in 1976 , after a lapse of 10 years , by Professor Richard Penny , Ruth Layton being elected the first ‘ new ’ president .
27 Although a compact of free association was signed in 1982 between Belau and the USA , it could not be implemented until the territory altered its Constitution ( which required a 75 per cent vote in favour in a referendum ) to rescind the clauses which banned the entry , storage or disposal of nuclear , chemical or biological weapons .
28 The future policy of the Association was discussed at these meetings .
29 When the Association was founded in 1957 , it had no paid staff and only £10 in its bank account .
30 The Horse Rangers Association was founded in 1954 by Raymond Gordon FRSA to teach young people from the age of seven and upwards how to ride and look after horses and ponies .
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