Example sentences of "[noun sg] is to be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , there may well be a requirement that any sub-letting is to be at not less than the rent in the lease , and that any sub-lease is to contain similar rent reviews to those in the lease .
2 But ‘ all these things are a matter of judgement , ’ thinks David Livermore , IBM 's director in charge of the environment , ‘ and our intention is to be in the forefront . ’
3 No one says that YOU have to , and if your main reason for wanting a close friendship is to be like everyone else then it wo n't be much of a friendship anyway !
4 It has been the sometimes unspoken assumption of these two parallel debates — whose spokespersons are often one and the same — that to be on the side of modernity and modernism is to be on the side of critical theory , and that to be a postmodernist is at the same time to be in sympathy with poststructuralism .
5 When many of these are taken by one person it is still useful for him or her to ensure that the separate responsibilities are kept in balance — and essential if the work is to be of use to other teachers .
6 If the determination is to be by an expert , the court has no jurisdiction to consider questions of law arising out of the matters referred to the expert .
7 As Marianne , a programmer , said ‘ My only reason for doing this at home is to be with the children , and the worst thing about it is never getting away from the children . ’
8 In this paper the focus is to be on the not so conscious aspects of the relatedness between those who are designated managers and those who are called workers .
9 Along with alterations to the lineout , the amendment is to be for an experimental twelve months only .
10 He should be told that the specimen of breath which he has given containing the lower proportion of alcohol exceeds the statutory limit but does not exceed 50 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath ; that in these circumstances he is entitled to claim to have this specimen replaced by a specimen of blood or urine if he wishes ; but that , if he does so , it will be for the constable to decide whether the replacement specimen is to be of blood or urine and that if the constable requires a specimen of blood it will be taken by a doctor unless the doctor considers that there are medical reasons for not taking blood , when urine may be given instead .
11 In a case where the driver 's option is to be explained to him under section 8(2) , the driver should be told that if he exercises the right to have a replacement specimen taken under section 7(4) , it will be for the constable to decide whether that specimen is to be of blood or urine and , if the constable intends to require a specimen of blood to be taken by a medical practitioner , the driver should be told that his only right to object to giving blood and to give urine instead will be for medical reasons to be determined by the medical practitioner .
12 an Article 85-type prohibition of anticompetitive agreements , including an illustrative , but not exhaustive , list of banned practices such as price fixing , collusive tendering , resale price maintenance ( RPM ) , market sharing , and collective boycotts : the focus of the prohibition is to be on the effects of agreements rather than the specific form that they take ;
13 The assumption here is that the more quality names you have in the race , the more likely the product is to be of high calibre .
14 As they reached the door she added , ‘ We had a certificate from the coroner ; the funeral is to be on Wednesday . ’
15 305U with side letter on reverse Side letter to be signed to ensure that there is no doubt that charge is to be in support of the guarantee liability .
16 And if our drama is to be at all dramatic we 'll need to put those people in a difficult situation , one which confronts them with choices .
17 She wants to be known as Our Lady of Blémont-la-Fontaine , and her feast-day is to be in early September on the day we have the harvest festival .
18 In many cases the clause provides that the appointment is to be by the president ( for the time being ) of the body concerned .
19 If the charter is to be worth more than the paper it is printed on we need guarantees that appropriate action will be taken to the satisfaction of the public , and in particular , the complainant .
20 If the charter is to be worth more than the paper it is printed on we need guarantees that appropriate action will be taken to the satisfaction of the public , and in particular , the complainant .
21 Proceeds from the game will be given to charity The game is to be at the end of August at Northallerton 's ground on a date to be arranged Former players from the 60s to the present day are asked to contact John Murdoch ( 0609771139 ) or David Thorne ( 0609779465 )
22 The main thing for me at this stage in my career is to be in a well organised team which will help me win the 250 World Championship .
23 The concert is to be at Bishopton Village Hall on Saturday March 21 .
24 Field men know that pollution does not crop up at random and one of the arts of enforcement is to be in the right place at the right time — or at least to know where to look , for a particular problem in this form of enforcement is to forge a link between act or event and offender .
25 ( 2 ) The readership of the report must be known if the writing is to be in a style to suit the recipients .
26 7.9.4 to produce to the Tenant on demand written confirmation from the insurers that they have agreed to waive all rights of subrogation against the Tenant ] ] It is essential that covenants of this nature should be included except where insurance is to be in the joint names of the landlord and tenant .
27 The secret is to be in touch with one 's own life experience so that one may value and appreciate the life experience of the other members of the group .
28 Bertrand Russell said the prerequisite of happiness is to be without it .
29 Editor , — If operative mortality is to be of any use as an indicator of quality in cardiac surgery a system of risk stratification must be in place .
30 Clearly if the book is to be of manageable size it can not contain an exhaustive statement of the principles of relevant substantive law , of the principles of drafting , or precedents to cover every eventuality , and it does not seek to do so .
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