Example sentences of "[noun sg] is [to-vb] that all " in BNC.

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1 One critical step in overcoming the culture gap is to ensure that all partners share at the outset a common understanding of the innovation process , their respective roles within it , and how it applies to the particular topic being addressed .
2 The silliest and the most sinful of the many heresies of pseudo-democracy is to pretend that all studies and all learning are ‘ created equal ’ .
3 Because of the potential seriousness of gonorrhoea or syphilis , if left untreated , nearly all the clinics in the United Kingdom have on their staff contact-tracers whose prime aim is to ensure that all efforts are made to persuade possible contacts of patients with either disease to attend for investigation .
4 Our aim is to ensure that all BP employees have equal opportunities for career advancement .
5 WAIT_FLAG — is an input parameter specifying whether the procedure is to check that all online modules are read out to the specified directory before returning .
6 WAIT_FLAG/ — is an input parameter specifying whether the procedure is to check that all online modules are read out to the specified directory before returning .
7 WAIT_FLAG/ — is an input parameter specifying whether the procedure is to check that all online modules are read out to the specified directory before returning .
8 The objective is to confirm that all response times are less than the agreed target , and that response times for identical processes are consistent .
9 The objective is to ensure that all employees accept their individual responsibilities within the context of the law as it stands at the time .
10 The simple solution in this case is to ensure that all food remains out of their reach .
11 The first symptom of such a change is to accept that all past data collected on UFOs are , in scientific terms , largely useless .
12 the prime factor at present is to ensure that all land need for the schemes should protect against other developments and that flexibility is divided in
13 The function of tragic myth is to show that all things , even such ugly discordance , are part of an " artistic game " played at the heart of things .
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