Example sentences of "[noun sg] is [v-ing] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's no use telling you disbelieving bastards anything , but I will tell you this : The Brigade is moving out of this place tomorrow . ’
2 Research is spilling out of the broking houses by the shovelful , but often straight into the fund manager 's bin .
3 And the Isle of Ely college is going out for a meal , so that wo n't be back , so he ca n't have that one , so we have n't got one !
4 And if they say well , we want erm seventy five different locations served with crisps stands by ten o'clock tomorrow because our advert is going out on national T V tomorrow can we do it ?
5 The European biotechnology industry is losing out to the US and Japan , because of the problems of patenting biotech products in Europe .
6 Everybody agrees that the present rate of inflation would justify a cut in interest rates — British industry is crying out for one .
7 The information industry is crying out for simplification and struggles desperately under the burden of its own complex , often incomprehensible jargon .
8 A parcels carrier is pulling out of Stansted and Southend airports , putting 150 jobs in jeopardy .
9 Well the word from Ireland this week is that this horse is jumping out of its skin .
10 The label of his white cotton underwear is sticking out of the top of his pants .
11 If blood is pumping out of a wound , use a clean pad to press on the wound , or if need be your bare hands or the pads of your fingers .
12 A pub is branching out into its own form of Sunday trading , and grabbing its customers while they 're young .
13 As we have noted , this is at the opposite pole from the extreme classical view that wage-earners save little , and that the primary source of accumulation is saving out of profits .
14 Because the country 's traditional strength is in manufacturing , which can be done anywhere , such migration is turning out to be alarmingly common .
15 British Petroleum is pulling out of South Africa with the sale of its $225million stake in coal mining businesses to the Anglo American corporation .
16 If all a child is getting out of a programme is a blank mind and confusion then , she says , ‘ Any other activity , even squabbling , might be more valuable from a social learning point of view ! ’
17 In March time the new engine is coming out on the Escort .
18 At 31 , Tamworth-born Coton is running out of time to establish himself with England .
19 The suggested starting point was that , if a lad is coming out of Deerbolt , Father Patrick lets his area youth worker know and gives him a contact address for the worker and they go from there .
20 SPC empowers an employee to make a business decision and stop production when his process is going out of control .
21 Continuing to shed businesses that it no longer regards as core , British Telecommunications Plc is getting out of optoelectronic components .
22 The Group will co-ordinate efforts with established consortia pursuing related projects and aims to hold an interoperability demonstration in the autumn ; the group is operating out of Bell Atlantic 's Frazer , Pennsylvania base .
23 The husband of a murdered British tourist is flying out to South Africa tonight to formally identify his wife 's body .
24 The husband of a murdered British tourist is flying out to South Africa tonight to identify his wife 's body .
25 Like releases , captions should be kept short and to the point and unless the picture is going out as a photo-story with no separate release , this means very short indeed .
26 What the hon. Gentleman is spelling out about the proposals is an elaborate , but nonsensical , theory .
27 SOUTHERN Water is pulling out of Stalwart , its joint venture with French-owned Saur ( UK ) in the refuse collection and cleansing service business .
28 If the court is satisfied ( by affidavit or other evidence ) that prompt personal service can not be effected because the debtor is keeping out of the way so as to avoid service , it may order substituted service in such manner as it thinks fit .
29 INDICATIONS that the economy is moving out of recession were provided by a clutch of reports and surveys yesterday pointing to improvements in consumer and business confidence and rising credit .
30 THE Scottish economy is moving out of the shadow of public sector clouds into a brighter private sector-led future , the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , claimed yesterday .
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