Example sentences of "[noun sg] is [adv] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The transperitoneal approach to the gall bladder is usually avoided because of the risk of intraperitoneal bile leakage or bowel perforation .
2 The widespread presence of secularism does not mean that religion is totally eclipsed or reduced to the status of a literally insignificant minority interest .
3 In the early stages if no other remedy is clearly indicated or if Aconite seems to be indicated but does not help at all .
4 Hard thinking is indeed required because the kind of information which science is dealing with and seeking to extend is quite literally mind-boggling .
5 The method of entry is strictly defined and supported by written procedures .
6 There are many results on reputation effects in this context , but these show that entry is always deterred if the time horizon is sufficiently long .
7 The structure and patterns of spoken language are distinct from those of writing : it is rare , for example , for a speaker continuously to use complete sentences as we understand them in writing — particularly in a situation where interruption is both accepted and expected .
8 Borrowing and lending stock is officially regulated as there are both prudential and tax considerations : GEMMs are approved lenders and approved borrowers .
9 Normally , their stock is simply seized and forfeited .
10 Similarly Andrews and Miller ( 1980 ) have argued that the importance of chronology is frequently overlooked and/or understressed in many geomorphological studies and that
11 But because of the council 's incompetence , which has meant that her rent card is now marked as owing rent , and lacking a deposit , she would be dependent on a somewhat shady mortgage company for the mortgage to buy such a house ( rent cards are the easiest and most common means of checking on the credit-worthiness of a person on a low income ) .
12 If your experiment involves other people ( e.g. if you are comparing different readers ' responses ) , you need to consider ethical issues which arise , including ( a ) getting their permission to use the results ; ( b ) showing them the results and explaining them ; ( c ) not using their names when you report the experiment ( even if they have given permission for this , there is unlikely to be any point ) ; ( d ) the ethical problem that sometimes an experiment is best conducted if the test subjects do n't know what it is for ; that is , if there is a " secret agenda " .
13 The experiment is now performed and it is found that the bats avoid collisions just as efficiently as before .
14 So often the strength and meaning of a partnership is only revealed when one person is gravely ill or dies .
15 Fault-response rule reasoning is usually adopted when a ‘ shallow ’ representation of a system is adopted .
16 ( iv ) Differently , it seems difficult to accept that consciousness is tolerably conceived when it is so conceived that it follows that anything that can be regarded as passing through certain sequences of causal or logical states is conscious .
17 As regards the Niemecz mechanical organs bearing Haydn compositions : Neumann criticizes me for saying that the machines play ‘ within a narrow range , stating that the machines ’ air brakes can be set in such a way ‘ that the speed is either halved or doubled ’ , and that therefore ‘ the question of an absolute original tempo becomes pointless . ’
18 For instance , domestic violence is now seen as unacceptable , whereas until recently it might have been considered a ‘ private ’ affair .
19 The president is finely educated and is capable of talking like a professor and behaving like a despot .
20 Parents should be aware that sludge left behind in the dispenser is highly concentrated and dangerous .
21 The combination seems to point to some underlying form of ‘ essential history ’ of which each individual provides his variant but which can only be hinted at , not revealed , because when the voices join across time they never quite marry , though their coming together is an attempt to generate something which like a collective emotion is necessarily felt as something more than the experience of the individual , as something dominant and external' .
22 Namarunu volcano is deeply dissected and pervasive hydrothermal alteration is everywhere to be seen , but there is no geothermal activity at the surface .
23 In this area a seif-like dune forms , but away from the shelter of the cliff the influence of the prevalent wind is again felt and the seif-like dune tends to break down to isolated mounds and finally to barchans .
24 The Prime hardware side is now closed and the company has a letter of intent to pass on what is left of the Prime Information Pick-derived database system to Pick-under-Unix specialist VMark Software Inc , Framingham , Massachusetts on undisclosed terms .
25 One side is then printed and the sheet is then turned over and printed from the other edge using the same forme .
26 It is hard to decide whether the result is better seen as self-indulgent twaddle , or , as Robert Lowell said of the Oxford Book of Modern Verse : ‘ Maybe it 's the ultimate Larkin poem ’ , so maybe this is the supreme Ted Hughes fiction .
27 All pipework is fully insulated and the whole filter unit is covered by a padded insulation cover .
28 Every hairpin and dynamic nuance is scrupulously observed but never selfconsciously so ; not pasted on as it can be in less dedicated , self-aware performances .
29 1 Decide whether or not a photograph is really needed or whether a drawing might not be better able to make the point .
30 The minority still have a right to object to the court but that opposition is usually known and dealt with before the bidder becomes committed to acquire any shares in the target .
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