Example sentences of "[noun sg] is that [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A case of the contrast which may be helpful as a mnemonic is that between a symphonic overture ( ascriptive ) which is symphonic in and by itself , and an operatic overture ( associative ) which does not have the usual characteristics of opera ( not only is it purely orchestral , it is often played with the curtain not yet risen ) but which is , nonetheless , designated by a phrase where the property OPERATIC is associated with OVERTURE in order to describe sufficiently what the speaker wishes to identify .
2 A result is that despite the reduced power — 73bhp against 108 — the car gets along briskly enough without feeling quite so strained .
3 The result is that for the first time this season those of us whose attachment to the Welsh All Blacks can not be broken can start to look ahead with optimism .
4 The result is that after a period of free movement the material begins to harden and if one goes on deforming it it will become brittle .
5 The immediate result is that alongside a few major clerics such as Runcie and Jenkins , we find that Stalker , Sampson , Anderton , Alderson , Newman , Imbert , Dear , Oxford , and Hermon are national personalities , while a second division of chief officers regularly proclaim on a range of subjects which at other times would lie outside the province of the police .
6 The logical result is that in a month of war more high explosive has been dropped on Iraq than was used in the whole of world war two .
7 The important result is that in an uncertain world companies like to maintain a stable payout ratio over the long run .
8 What good is that to the poor soul who is supposed to take the lead in science teaching , when there are seven colleagues requiring help , two or three with neither 0- nor A-level in science , and none with post-initial training of any substance ?
9 The irony is that outside the church is a tramp .
10 The irony is that despite the scandal surrounding some of his cabinet , it is the prime minister who has in fact begun to reform the system with the support of President Scalfaro after voters abandoned the traditional parties in droves in elections last April .
11 A distinction that must be borne in mind is that between the Court Baron ( which registered the transfers of copyhold lands ) and the Court Leet ( which saw to such practical matters as scouring ditches , mending hedges , muzzling dogs , etc . ) .
12 But the real significance of the demonstration is that for the first time high-powered personal computers are capable of keeping up with normal speech without … the … speaker … doing … this .
13 But the real significance of the demonstration is that for the first time high-powered personal computers are capable of keeping up with normal speech without … the … speaker … doing … this .
14 Summary The main point we have made in this chapter is that in a relatively formal style such as that of academic essay-writing , much of the impact and credibility of what you write is achieved by the way it conforms to conventions .
15 The only difference between ancient Greek tragedy and modern revolutionary tragedy is that in the former the struggle was against a distant , unknowable , divine power , whereas in the latter the struggle is against an all-too-present social order manufacturing poverty , disease , unemployment and war .
16 The thesis of this study is that through a gender aware approach , we would at least be on safer ground when issuing such invitations .
17 Perhaps the most telling aspect of his rule is that within a generation of his death , he was as much the subject of legend as of factual history .
18 The short answer to this submission is that at the outset the Board of Review , in stating the issue for their decision , addressed themselves to the wrong question and in their consideration of the facts failed to apply the principles of law stated by Atkin L.J .
19 The grim alternative is that in a few years many more specialties will be in the position of thoracic medicine and more junior doctors will spend even longer in the training grades .
20 A final point to make about the adoption of accruals accounting is that in the USA the Governmental Accounting Standards Board has further developed the idea of a set of accounts which are not purely cash-based but are also not full accruals accounting as best commercial practice would envisage it .
21 The directing principle of this work is that over the past few centuries sexuality has assumed major symbolic importance as a target of social intervention and organisation , to a degree that differentiates this period from those preceding it .
22 The government plan is that over a four year term , there will be appraisal of all teachers in schools .
23 On returning she is guaranteed a job at the same level and of similar content to the one she left , but ‘ the plan is that nearer the time I start to discuss my return with management and personnel ’ .
24 The relevance of Pentecost is that through the person of the Holy Spirit these propositions can acquire a personal dimension which in turn should influence our thinking and our behaviour .
25 My answer to the first part of his question is that in the few weeks that I have had my present portfolio , two or three times in public I have stated my firm belief that it is in the interests of the people of Northern Ireland , the police and the security forces — indeed , in the interests of all of us — that the law be applied even-handedly and that those responsible for applying the law should do so .
26 The other crucial difference between the types of memory test is that in a recognition test there is generally a relatively well defined set of distractor items .
27 Looking ahead the likelihood is that for every percentage point of economic growth , energy demand will grow by half a percentage point .
28 The only essential dissimilarity is that in the Eastern bloc the economy is socialized and directed towards the common welfare .
29 The final point which needs to be made about ethnicity is that as a speaker variable it can not usually be isolated from social class .
30 The only difference is that in a CFG , one variable symbol is singled out and called the start symbol .
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