Example sentences of "[noun sg] is [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once the position of the mean is defined the spread of the distribution about it is calculated by summing the moments of each class interval about the mean .
2 Monotheism is first a critique of nature religion , but then of tribalism — that is , of the notion that the function of religion is to ensure the coherence , survival , and prosperity of the tribe .
3 Assuming a valid haulage contract has been made and one party is in breach of one or more of the terms , the usual remedy is to sue the party in default for damages .
4 Where either party may apply the tenant is not entitled to serve notice making time of the essence of the landlord 's right to apply : if he is prejudiced by delay his remedy is to make the application himself ( Factory Holdings Group Ltd v Leboff International Ltd [ 1987 ] 1 EGLR 135 ) .
5 The remedy is to renew the thermostat .
6 LENTON and Wortley Hall Association is following the lead of Convocation and asking the Hall 's alumni from these years to make a special effort to attend the 1992 reunion which is to be held in the Hall from 2nd-4th October .
7 THE Co-Ownership Housing Association is celebrating the success of its Brand New Start Scheme launched in April this year .
8 THE NEWLY formed North Liverpool Business Association is turning the tide against cowboy tippers who by night increase the environmental blight of the north city docklands area .
9 When a single entry is required the identifier should be placed in the Start column .
10 Once the deal is completed the German holds a dollar bank deposit and the American holds a DM bank deposit .
11 However once a record deal is signed the value of good management becomes obvious .
12 One very popular experiment is to measure the size and shape of a nucleus , and its intrinsic magnetism. or magnetic moment .
13 Each script is to provide the basis for an 80 page Activity Book .
14 2 The purpose of this script is to provide the basis for a video which will be used to teach English as a foreign language and as such is based on the syllabus of — by — .
15 And then the mediant is called the mediant , the mediant because it lies halfway between the tonic and the dominant .
16 This critical speed is called the escape velocity .
17 The cheapest way to increase the gearing on a One Ten 4 speed is to fit the Range Rover output gears in the transfer box .
18 Meanwhile , the president is filling the time with less provocative suggestions .
19 Recently , two of Mr Gorbachev 's advisers , Vadim Bakatin , a member of the new National Security Council , and Georgy Shakhnazarov , the president 's personal political adviser , have said the president is reconsidering the idea of a coalition .
20 The idea behind this particular add-on is to provide the user with the feel of really being able to shoot back at screen .
21 Consider the simple sentence in commonsense language , ‘ Look out , the wind is blowing the baby 's pram over the cliff edge ! ’
22 A plague of uniformity is sweeping the world , numbing the taste buds and reducing the gene pool .
23 With reference to individuals in public life , if a serious allegation is made the public now expects the question of the truth or falsity of it to be demonstrated by the taking of proceedings , whether the proceedings result in a decision of the court or an apology and settlement .
24 If the same dimension of each item is measured and a graph drawn of the number of times each value of that dimension appears , as in Figure 7.4 , the result is called the frequency distribution of the variable or just the distribution .
25 If the same dimension of each item is measured and a graph drawn of the number of times each value of that dimension appears , as in Figure 7.4 , the result is called the frequency distribution of the variable or just the distribution .
26 Although the effect in any one region is small , the cumulative result is to dim the Sun by a fraction of a per cent , a year or two after solar maximum — just as observed .
27 The result is to fuel the anger of the Tory rebels and bolster the resolve of Labour .
28 The result is to address the issue of the social role of the signifying system ; what is the function of the avunculate kinship relation , the Oedipus myth , the Parisian striptease ?
29 The result is to increase the attractiveness of non-offensive ( or non-provocative ) defence strategies , based on the principle that all the activities of the military forces — ranging from their size , structure , weapons and logistics to their training , manoeuvres and war games — can be designed to provide an effective defence , but with virtually no offensive capability .
30 Once the murder is done the hypocrisy must continue : in Marvell 's version of Machiavelli , ‘ The same Arts that did gain/A Pow'r must it maintain ’ .
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