Example sentences of "[noun sg] it 's [vb pp] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 We 've spent years examining the Bridge systems , but for all the good it 's done us we might have been blowing bubbles .
2 No they brought a new thing out , it 's not the poll tax it 's called something else int it ?
3 ‘ Whilst I appreciate the trouble it 's caused you , you could have reported it to Bamford station and not rung me up , you know .
4 In case it 's escaped you , this is n't London .
5 ‘ In case it 's escaped your notice , we all live in a consumer society .
6 In case it 's missed you , this is n't a restaurant . ’
7 Oh yeah yeah and they they keep er actually this album the reason it 's called I keep saying album we keep going back to the days of vinyl er the reason its called By Request over the last four of five years Telstar sent out a sort of feelers on different sleeves asking people if there were any songs that they might like to hear Foster and Allen sing .
8 During that time it 's proved itself an able ambassador for Britain , at peace and at war .
9 And in the time it 's taken you to read this , it 's sold out .
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