Example sentences of "[noun sg] it [vb past] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet it would seem that Lenin well understood the kind of mediation that would be required between bureaucracy and the working class and that this is shown by his emphasis on the need to prevent the bureaucracy emerging under socialism as the privileged social stratum it had been under capitalism .
2 But then it was a creature of its time , and its time and the work it did were about the last election , not the next one .
3 He could hardly have been welcome , because when he had entered the senior police officer 's room it had been with two aides trying to keep him out by every manoeuvre other than manhandling him .
4 Alain did not know what a shock it had been to be dragged up those stairs and to find a room like a small time capsule , the very essence of the man she had not known still lingering there .
5 From the thin , wretched creature it had been at the beginning of the siege it had become quite fat , for recently it had succeeded in eating two small lap-dogs which had unwisely fallen asleep in its presence .
6 Smooth and firm it had been under her own nervous touch , and she watched Miguel 's muscles , catching the sunlight as he dismounted and reached up to help her .
7 To face herself in a mirror without flinching : neat mid-brown hair that grew in orderly waves , a little longer than her father would have liked , almost to her shoulders , but not the shaggy bird 's nest it had been on Mars .
8 The Wey and Arun Junction Canal was formally closed in 1871 , leaving Newbridge Wharf as the terminus it had been before construction of this waterway , until the closure of the Arun Navigation in 1888 .
9 He had no idea what an effort it had been for Topaz to keep up the easy flow of chatter .
10 We 've always had drams , but the way it developed was like a natural progression .
11 The dock was fenced off , but not the way it had been as a real dock , with real cargoes to steal .
12 This was having something in common with your lover , she thought , remembering the way it had been with Mike , who was interested only in banking and golf and what he called making a home for one 's family .
13 That 's the way it had been for longer than she could remember .
14 In his pronouncements , science was no longer subordinate to theology in the way it had been for Roger Bacon , Thomas Aquinas , or Nicole Oresme .
15 Therefore the Australian move to make whaling more humane was in fact a move to get back to the way it had been after a serious deterioration .
16 When they had gone to bed together on New Year 's Eve it had been like a revelation to him .
17 She thought there would be no proof it had been beneath the platform .
18 Last time it had been for a length of dress material .
19 ‘ I did n't know at the time it had been in the Quakers boardroom but it was a good , handmade , solid oak table and I got it for a reasonable price , ’ he said .
20 What power it had was in the hands of an aging bureaucracy .
21 In fact , George Every , then a lay brother at Kelham , with whom I had started a correspondence , told me later that Eliot , while praising some individual points , had said that the general impression it gave was of material being put through a machine and coming out the other side more or less as it was before .
22 His kingdom had come some considerable way from the remote and backward region it had been at the beginning of the seventh century .
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