Example sentences of "[noun sg] to be [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ God sent all artists here because it can be such a drag to be on this planet , ’ said the star .
2 For speech recognition to be of any real use , however , the computer must seem to ‘ understand ’ the speech as fast as another human , the number crunching approach rarely achieves this .
3 It does not seem to be necessary for an ad to be at all well remembered for it to have an effect .
4 The responsibility for drawing the first furrow on a narrow stetch was one the head horseman could not afford to delegate , unless it was to a man equally skilled as himself ; for a stetch that did not come out , at every point , exactly to the inch would render ineffective the use of implements that had been designed specially for it ; again , a botched stetch was visible to all — to the casual passer-by and to the practised eye of his neighbour ; and the ‘ loss of face ’ a head horseman suffered through allowing the standard of his own work to be below that of the next farm 's was enough to make him ensure that every field was laid out and ploughed with as much care as patience and long-practised skill made possible .
5 For Kelsen , the dynamic principle is characteristic of legal positivism which understands law to be in some sense a product of human acts and decisions rather than a deduction from timeless and immutable principles .
6 There is a good case these days for treatment of syphilis to be with these more modern forms of penicillin .
7 It was always my dream to be in that situation .
8 This was the time that Farnborough was the place to be for many reasons .
9 We had made our break under the trees — the worst place to be in that dreadful weather — so I urged my group on .
10 Oh Lord we as offer ourselves to you , we think of those who have been unable to be with us today for whatever reason , some on holiday , and we just pray for your blessing to be with each one , and to be with all of as we ask it in your name for your praise and glory .
11 which was made up of local towns people , you know , and and er I mean you did n't have to be a a notary in the town to be on this er Co board th th You know you could be one of the riveters you were talking about earlier .
12 It 's just those few , committed capitalists that see profits as the only , the only motive to be on this earth , that seem to be , was was they seem to have the influence in this in this country , and and like er , I 'm I 'm hoping that this er , er British Government objection to the Court of Justice does fail , as as is er suggested it may do , erm , and let's let's hope it does , and let's hope that we get this er , implemented .
13 The Statements of Attainment need to be in some ways " unpacked " in relation to the chosen programme of study and reordered not in sequence of difficulty but in terms of their place in the programme to ensure that opportunities for assessment are capitalised upon .
14 Fatty : There 's no need to be like that !
15 There 's no need to be like that !
16 " No need to be like this .
17 I find the textual basis for this interpretation very flimsy , in fact there is clear erm erm erm textual evidence for precisely the opposite and let me cite erm one instance Locke is here talking about tacit consent and the purchase of property and erm he says whenever the owner who has given nothing but such a tacit consent to the government will by donation , sale or otherwise quit the said possession , he is at liberty to go and incorporate himself into any other commonwealth or to agree with others to begin a new one in any part of the world they can find free and unpossessed whereas he that has once by actual agreement in any expressed declaration given his consent to be of any commonwealth is perpetually and indispensably obliged to be and remain unalterably a subject to it and can never be again in the liberty of the state of nature .
18 All them things in there that 's no business to be in that carrier .
19 She once put a jar in the middle of the table , in the light , and said she wanted her heroine to be like that ; her novels create just such memorable images , not static , but still , like remembered paintings .
20 It really gives me a kick to be of some use like this . ’
21 I do n't believe that I am really going to have the chance to be in this movie .
22 My dealer lacks sufficient knowledge to be of any help .
23 Indeed , they had reckoned German strength in the area to be at most one corps although British Intelligence had estimated it at three and a half corps and even this , in the event , proved an underestimate .
24 What was your role to be in this operation ?
25 'she wanted an excuse to be at that bus-stop when Billy got off , because she knew what was going to happen .
26 Michael Eastman , Terry Dunnell , Arkle Bell , Malcolm Goodspeed and John Oliver all hope to be at this International Congress on Urban Ministry .
27 Extract from a letter received from a disabled resident at Sussexdown ‘ It really is a privilege to be in such a lovely place , and to be so well cared for , there ca n't , I 'm sure , be another Home like it in the whole of Britain . ’
28 We talked continuously , ranging over many topics , and laughed a lot and I was mentally hugging myself merely for having the good luck to be with such a friendly , amusing and vital girl .
29 ‘ Big Black had the opportunity to be on several major labels .
30 Yeah , really it 's a frustrating end of it , but working for Time gives me the opportunity to be in these countries and to do a good photoreportage on the country , even though it 's very rarely published .
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