Example sentences of "[noun sg] in his [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He lifted his head and stared at her , the incredible primitive light in his eyes fanning the small fire within her into an inferno .
2 The light in his eyes dimmed and his arms fell to his sides .
3 Stavrogin is a killer — or can be — but he does nothing : ‘ the light in his eyes seemed to go out . ’
4 The light in his eyes dims fractionally .
5 Then , to her relief , his face set into controlled lines and the dangerous light in his eyes dulled again .
6 That soft , cloudy light in his eyes unhinged her .
7 There was a teasing light in his eyes mingled with tenderness .
8 The twinkle in his eyes looked genuine enough .
9 His face was drawn and I could feel the tension in his hands holding my wrists .
10 Jaq switched on the magnetics in his boots to give him purchase for possible combat .
11 The shocking contrast between fitzAlan 's smile and the stark violence in his words turned Isabel 's legs to water .
12 He was straining hard now , and still nothing was happening ; everything had gone a couple of shades darker , and the roaring in his ears drowned out everything else .
13 A man on horseback was circling the water , the reins slack in his hands to let his mount go at an idle walk .
14 Probably anticipating the enhancing of the already considerable temperature that might ensue from a stretch of proven hell-raising , Pukwana called for a blues , and set about declaring his intent with that impassioned alto cry ( the instrument in his hands displaying the weight of the tenor as well as the wild , wayward quality of the higher horn ) that has been thrilling British audiences since the Sixties .
15 But on Thursday , the council 's recreation committee ruled that Mr Goddard 's claims for compensation should be shelved in the name of ‘ artistic integrity ’ Coun. Mrs Dot Long , committee chairman , said : ‘ Mr Goddard has acted perfectly properly in his negotiations with the ESC in his efforts to maximise income for the Civic Theatre in the present difficult economic climate .
16 The Swindon goalkeeper , Digby , was forced into throwing more punches than a boxer in his efforts to clear headers , shots and volleys from expertly delivered corner kicks by Comstive on the right .
17 He was once a Hunt Saboteur and still has a dent in his buttocks to prove it .
18 But the desire and the longing in his eyes had given her strength , and he had moved to her at once , so that she had known , once and for all , that there could never be anything strained or awkward between them .
19 He had enormous fluency and ease , often in High Church devotional poems in which the physical urgency of a boy in his teens spills over into sexual imagery in describing his love of Christ .
20 This parent , Mr M , had studied the ‘ Effective Intervention ’ document as well as the Social Work ( Scotland ) Act in his attempts to assist the W family .
21 The Empress was in great beauty … the Emperor also looked very impressive , and when after the ceremony he held up the child in his arms to present him to the multitude , the enthusiasm was genuine and great .
22 He pursed his lips thoughtfully and the hidden laughter in his eyes warned her that she might not like his answer .
23 The contentment in his eyes engendered at its heart a faint , malicious spark of amusement .
24 The turning-point in his fortunes came in October 1861 , when he was asked to take on the printing and publishing of the Union newspaper , which was trying to bring Tractarian Anglicans into touch with Roman Catholics .
25 He turned to look at her as he put the car into gear , and the glint in his eyes rekindled the unwelcome wildfire in her veins .
26 His head went back and he laughed at her mutinous expression , the glint in his eyes deepening , before leaning forward again and addressing her with quiet insistence .
27 ‘ Who did you phone besides Myra ? ’ he asked , a glint in his eyes saying it would be no use denying it .
28 The existence of such a large ( see 12:37 ) alien group in his borderlands has for some time made Pharaoh uneasy .
29 The fever in his eyes flared .
30 Two men kissing to music under the stars … or Little David , the barman , would bring out his famous white gauze and feather fans and send them gliding across his sweating chest and face ( you do n't see this any more these days ) — as if the secret thoughts that were normally hidden behind that odd smile in his eyes had escaped and taken flight ; as if , I used to think , it was magic , as if some oddly attractive boy had unbuttoned his flies for you and brought out not a fat red cock but a blinking , blinded , delicate , fluttering magician 's dove , releasing it into the roof of the dark theatre to fly crazily over your astonished head … and above all this was that ceiling of shining stars .
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